Friday, June 28, 2013

The Development of an Ideology into Larger Portions

Development of the Ideology Into Larger Portions


Progress is a process that humans thrive upon and love to watch the procedures take hold and then to develop into a final product.  Continual restructuring and redesigning are parts of this growth process in order to get the project out of the concept stage and into the growth stage.  Development does not come overnight and a great deal of thinking and other considerations will arise during this process as well, but progress is constructed for a reason and it would seem silly to stop any project that can benefit mankind.  Baby steps are then taken in order to advance this project which signals the commitment to the project.

World War II was raging in Europe but had not yet come to American shores until 7 December 1941.  The devastating act by the Japanese Imperial Navy was in truth a brilliant strike but at the same time a very grossly misguided strategic error.  The attack on Pearl Harbor was monumental and the results of this attack woke our nation up to begin defending itself from a vicious enemy.  Many of us have studied some of the areas of this conflict and many of us know most of the major battles that played in the final end to the war.  But not all of the battles that were waged were on a large scale but even though their attacks were strategic their importance and significance to the war effort was vital.

I was talking with a young person not long ago about World War II and as the course of the discussion went along it became very clear that this person basically had no clue about the events of this conflict.  I eventually asked if they could name off some of the major combatant nations of WWII and this person could not think of one country that was involved.  I quickly ended the conversation and went on my way doing my best not to embarrass the person any more.  My point is that even though a concept is developed into a masterful plan people need to be aware of what has occurred in the past and what is currently being portrayed in order to develop their ideas in a structured manner.

After the attack on Pearl Harbor a certain no name Colonel in the Army Air Corps thought up of a great idea to get some type of revenge against the Japanese for their sneak attack.  The plan took a considerable amount of time to draw up and ten some tweaking had to be done afterwards.  The plan did not take much arguing before the higher ups to be approved since the morale of the military and civilian populations were basically non existent.  The plan was deemed top secret and considered to be a suicide mission to the ones who knew about the details of the plan.

This conceived plan was the first on America’s side of the war that had any bite to it.  Now that the conceived, developed, directionally flowed, and ten executed plan of the Japanese had been carried out it was time that a response was to be recorded in the history books.  The first steps of the response had to be thought about and ten placed on paper in order to get the overall idea of how it would work.  Then the remaining portions of the plan must be put into practice and then it too executed.

The Colonel chose the men that he wished to serve on this mission which he did in quick order.  There was not much time to wait around and their training commenced immediately.  The men that participated in the mission were given details of the mission as time progressed but the final portion of the plan was kept from tem until they were aboard their transport ship.  The Colonel’s plan was so bold that it was considered by some to be absurd with some higher ups wanting to scrap the plan as time went along.  The training continued and the men had finally reached the point that they were almost ready to command their mission.

The men ten were mystified when they were transported to the coast.  They were army personnel not in the navy, plus they were bomber pilots and crew members not fighter pilots.  Their confusion was enhanced when they noticed that their bombers were being torn apart and then being loaded onto the large aircraft carrier that they were being escorted onto.  The terms had been set and the training conditions made and now it was time to put into practice all of the concepts that had been decided upon in order to execute the plan as it was devised.

The airmen boarded the aircraft carrier still not knowing what their final objective to the mission was but it would not be too much longer until those details would be provided.  The ship steamed out of port and headed west into the Pacific Ocean and it was soon obvious that they were headed towards Japan.  After a short while at sea the time had come to inform every member of the team of the complete mission.  The news hit the airmen like a ton of bricks as the details emerged.  Most of them now realized that their mission would be a suicide and that probably most or all of them would never return to the USA again.

But the dye had been cast and set into stone by their choice to accept the call of the Colonel.  They continued their mental and logistical calculations training while on route to the launching area.  Every bit of their training and the reasons why that they had to do complete specific maneuvers in a particular manner made sense to the crew now; it would be the first time that a bomber plane would take off from the deck of an aircraft carrier on a mission to strike at the heart of Japan.

Even though it was one small plan that was executed successfully, the plan began a nation wide morale booster that propelled the country into a wartime effort that would never cease or to be defeated by the enemy again.  A vow was made to defeat the opposing forces at any cost.  Not every man on this mission returned to America alive but the plan’s message was properly delivered to the Japanese military, government and people.  This small plan enabled the military to gather enough confidence to order larger and bolder plans in the future, in other words this plan served as a cornerstone for further development of bigger plans.

Of course I cannot let this article go and not mention the spiritual aspect of things.  In fact the spiritual side of this article is of great importance and how it plays into the overall plan that our enemy has for our lives.  You may not think that a WWII mission could have any meaning to our current spiritual lives but it does and it needs to be noticed by all.  It is not really about the plan itself but about the process in which the plan was carried out.  There were steps to the plan and each step had to be taken in turn so that the overall goal could be reached.

Even though the participants had blindly agreed to accept their roles in the plan they did not find out every detail until the action had already commenced.  They still had time to back out of the voluntary mission up to a certain point but after that specific time, there was no turning back.  They had a choice and they could change their minds about their choice until their leader deemed them ready for their mission.

The plan that was conceived in one person’s mind and heart led to a group of men completing an extraordinary mission to become instant heroes of this country and for everyone that agreed with democracy.  How is this type of decision and choice making different from the spiritual aspect of our lives?  Not much to be honest.  The same process of decision making goes in the conception and then developmental phases of our choices.  All of us have a choice in whom we serve on the spirit level and it is important for us to recognize the similarities that the physical and spiritual share.

If one understands what God has set into motion concerning the ability for us to make choices then one has to agree that whatever man chooses to do is totally up to us to choose the correct decision.  This means that our choices may have some consequences to them and that we should really consider our options before we dive into one side of the issue.  If we make a choice and it proves to be the wrong one will we even recognize our bad choice and then would we have an opportunity to change our decision.  That is the eternal question that we are faced with on the spiritual aspect of this equation.  God has specifically set into stone His way that we need to follow and it is clear that our present society has chosen an alternate path to follow.

Take a look at some of the western philosophical beliefs that we have incorporated into our lives in our short historical period.  What pattern do you see and how has those decisions affected our society?  It is becoming clear that more and more of these small raiding parties have been conceived and have been developed.  Their potency as individual projects may be overlooked and that is going to prove to be a huge error on our part.

If anyone is not familiar with the raid that I opened up this article with, it was called The Doolittle Raid.  It was named after Colonel James Doolittle, who was the one mind that conceived the plan and then proficiently executed it at the precise moment that it was needed.  The spiritual aspects of these small developing ideas have been in place as well and are now being executed within our society.  We have focused our minds upon selfish motives and the enemy has jumped on the bandwagon to make sure that our plans go through.  It is not my job to make the choices in your spiritual life but I have been instructed to let you know that the choices that our society is making go totally against what God has planned for our lives.  If we do not change our choices now and reverse the decisions that we have initiated, we will have chosen to destroy the society that God once deemed His will.

Stop and see the steps that we have taken are part of a plan to destroy our lives all in the name of peace, love and prosperity.  Without God those aspects can only be cherished by the flesh and cannot be accepted by what God has established for our lives.  The developmental phase of our decisions has been completed.  This phase is still considered to be a point in which our decision making can still be changed.  Yet we have embraced this phase with open arms and the next phase of our choices is now in place as well.  There is still time to change our ways and go back to the ways of God.


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