Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Concept of Conception

The Concept of Conception


The word conception has many different usages but has only one meaning, it is one of those words that a person who is using it must fully convey the entire topic before the reader or listener can understand what is being spoken.  This word is referred to in many texts and is even a topic of argument within today’s society.  The Bible even uses this word and so does our enemy.  But the word itself describes the initiation of a process of a specific person, place or thing.  We also as a society try and dance around using this word because it also serves as a beacon to others of how one believes.  This seems to be such a touchy way to live when one is talking about a beautiful word.

Anyone who addresses the word conception cannot get around the fact of the definition of the word itself.  The word conception can set off a firestorm between two or more groups or that scene can grow into a national or even international incident.  The usage of the word conception is frowned upon by the majority of the people now-a-days simply because of its origins and what it has the potential of starting.  This word is another one of the things about humans that I find fascinating in that with one simple word a long lasting feud can develop; which is exactly what the common or lay definition of the word is.

To have an idea about a new invention has to be conceived within a person’s head and then planned out accordingly.  Many different pathways will be tossed about during the developmental process of this idea and it may even take a few years or even decades before the idea finally comes to life and is presented to the public for evaluation.  We scientists are continually moving in this direction trying to find cures for diseases and in order for this process to occur we have to brainstorm on a constant basis to try and figure out how to combat these physical conditions.  Conceiving an idea is similar to the word conception and usually refers to something that has been made and will eventually grow; another controversial word.

The conception of an idea will lead to a better product; this is the pattern that one wishes to become reality sometime down the road.  Many times these conceptions lie within ones heart and mind for years before any development happens.  Think about Albert Einstein and all of the theories and ideas that he had floating around in his head.  He is famous for a few of them but how many more were lying up there just waiting to be spoken.  I could spend hours talking about all of the different and potential concepts that one could make with just the equation e=mc2.  The point is that everything that is known to man has to begin with a concept or a conception process; nothing is made without one.

What many people do not think about is that after an idea is conceived within a person and the conception process has begun then the development process automatically begins as well.  A person with an idea in their head does not just want to sit on it and keep it quiet, so the people who have these ideas start to seek out close friends or even other people who have expressed interest in these ideas in order to talk about them and to see if those people might wish to be included in the project.  Soon a small group has been assembled and the ideas have grown from a conception to a developmental stage.  This is a great step forward in those who believe in the cause.

Before I go any further I want to make a short statement concerning this topic.  Being able to have ideas and to think of new inventions to advance mankind is a God given talent and should be exercised with the utmost backing and support.  The idea of producing a product or item that helps humans live longer, or allow them to have access to help them cope with their ailments is a wonderful procession and every aspect of that process should be pursued.  Every human being has this capability of conceiving this kind of idea or has the ability to mention things so that others may have the same developmental ideas begin in their hearts. 

However, since everyone has this capability that means that there are those who believe that their ideas are good ones and that those should be developed and as we look throughout history or read the daily news, these people who wish to maim, terrorize and kill others do fit into this category as well.  And since the popular word of equality is being thrown around now, whether we like it or not we have to include these people as well in this topic.

The Bible actually lays foundation for everyone to be included in this topic.  How many of you understand that our enemy knows the Bible backwards and forwards?  It is a must for him to comprehend every possible word and angle that God has used and since he has this ability he will certainly twist those Holy words enough to suit his purpose.  One verse that stands out to me as of this moment is Matthew 18:20.  This is a wonderful verse that Christians like to use in order to reinforce that God is present when such a small group is assembled.  But have you thought about how our enemy looks at that verse?

The enemy knows exactly how much and to what extent he has access to our lives.  That is his spiritual chain as my uncle compares it as, and he knows just how far he can take it to advance his kingdom.  So if you look at this verse in reverse kingdom issues then you will understand that our enemy has the authority to create destructive patterns in one’s life in order to promote his kingdom.  Because if God can be present in a thought, then why cannot our enemy have the same option.  Think about this for a while and they place it into perspective of what western society has begun to do with their moral standard issues.

I am not trying to twist the scriptures but one also has to remember that the scriptures were written about humans and their surroundings which means that the ones who physically wrote them understood what humans had the capability of and the source from which those ideas came from were.  Matthew 18: 20 is a beautiful passage and it gives hope to so many people around the world that God is present no matter what their circumstances are, but it is a necessity for us to remember that there are two kingdoms present and they are at war and they do not play well with each other and most importantly you are the reason for the war.

The conception of an idea is the defining point and if you ask any scientist the question of “where did it all being?” they will refer back to a specific point in time when the idea came to the forefront of their thinking.  Another aspect that intrigues me is that this conception ideology does not stop with the physical realm but it has free roaming rights within our inner beliefs as well.  And if you ask a person, any person about their beliefs and then ask them when those beliefs were conceived, there will be a certain point in time when those people began to believe in those ideas.  A good example of this is as follows; when did you become a Christian?  Many of us know exactly the date, right?

We all know that the world is waiting with bated breath with some important issues that the world and its followers deem a necessity.  This is all part of human reasoning and the theories that certain people have conceived within their minds and hearts.  This is a part of the other side of the kingdom issues that I was explaining about a couple of paragraphs above and it is so relevant for our lives today.  A frequently hear that the Bible is not relevant for today…..this proves that those people need to study the Bible a bit more instead of just picking out verses to promote their ideas.

The concept of conception is not a new process and it has been around with us ever since God created man.  God is an everlasting, true and just God and He has given every one of us the opportunity to choose His ways.  He also has given us the opportunity to reject His words and ways and for us to live our own lives without acknowledging He presence.  This is the epitome of a loving creator who wishes to have a relationship with each one of us.  Giving us the ability to formulate miracles of technology within our heads is a fabulous work of originality, but we must remember that these ideas that we have can be used against humanity as well.

The ways of man are becoming more clear each day and just how much they differ from God’s ways.  This too is ok and God will allow this to occur because it is His just nature for mankind to try to achieve things on its own.  However, we need to be careful about some certain information areas concerning the contemplation of the conception ideology.  Once an idea has been thought about and then promoted to others, that idea will eventually grow into a product through a developmental process and it is this developmental process that will allow this idea to grow and to become a “living” product.  Whether it is a human, nuclear device or a cure for cancer once the idea is conceived it will develop somewhere and somehow in others.

Having the ability to conceive an idea is a glorious aspect of our lives, but we need to have our hearts and spirits grounded in God’s word well enough to thwart the ideas that come into our thinking that would harm humanity.  There is no mixing of God and the world, there never has been and there never will be and it is of the utmost importance that we remember this concept on a minute by minute basis.  For if we do not, and we are continually witnessing that we do not, keep this in our heads we will head down a very violent and destructive path both in the physical and in the spiritual manner.

It is well documented that God will allow humans to make their own conceptions about Him and what they are supposed to do in the world.  And it is also well documented that those ways can be praised and dispatched at the same time.  However there is a way that we can know that our conceptions are for the good of mankind and that there is still time for us to change our ways but with the current beliefs and standards of the world, we better begin that change now.  God is still in the restoration business and it is His goal to restore our land back to where it was but in order for Him to allow this process we must turn back to him and to turn our conception ideologies back in His direction.  Let it be known that our ways and beliefs have given way to a conception of a destructive manner and the next step in which we are taking is development of these concepts and if we do not open our spiritual eyes and see the damage that we are causing, God will have no choice but to act like a real parent.


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