Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Shock and Awe According to the Bill Cosby Theory

The Shock and Awe According to the Bill Cosby Theory


It is evident throughout history that mankind has a tendency to ignore the subtle, small and even large hints that something is amiss within their society.  I also find it amusing that when these societies are warned they usually scoff or totally ignore the ones that are doing the warnings.  We humans like to believe that catastrophic events that have been predicted will be further down the road, and they may, but it would seem to be that our Creator sees the patterns that we are building and He is sending out warnings to everyone that we need to change our ways, yet our ignorance is bliss and we continue our methods as is, that is until something goes wrong and then the questions arise.  Maybe we should heed these warnings instead of placing our heads in the sand and hoping that God is wrong and that we are correct.

One of my all time favorite entertainers in the world is Bill Cosby.  I do not agree with everything that he says, produces and believes but over the decades that I and my family have watched his specials and programs the majority of what he is trying to get across to others is of a high standard.  Mr. Cosby has produced and written approximately a thousand of children’s and family programs that have been broadcast throughout the world.  I remember watching one of his first huge projects when I was a kid and ever since that time I have tried to catch as many of his productions as possible.  One of my all time favorite works of his is a standup comedy routine that was recorded in the late 80s and it is called “Bill Cosby Himself.”

I am not going to tell you about the entire routine but I am going to use a portion of his monologue to demonstrate the topic of this article concerning the human reaction when things go wrong after the warnings have been issued.  I am going to place the scene into my own words but please know that all credit for the example goes to Mr. Cosby.

The scene began after dinner was over and it was time for the kids to get their bath for the evening.  The dad stopped all of them before they left the dining area.  Knowing how they would act after they left the dining area was on his mind because he knew that they would goof off and try to stall the bath time for as long as possible.  So, the dad did his best in trying to warn them just to go upstairs and decided who was going to get in the bath first and just do it.  His warning also included that if they did not do this how he was telling them to do it that someone was going to get it tonight.

The response of the children was classic in that the majority of us have done the exact same reaction when we have been warned about something.  I myself have scoffed at the warnings that my parents gave me at times and thought that I would have enough time to do things that I was told to do before my parents got upset, but it is really easy to forget about time when you are engrossed in things that you want to do or believe you have to do before the truth comes into light.  The kids in this scene did exactly that and allowed the advice of their dad to go into one ear and out the other without bouncing around inside their head for a while.  The dad even received a courtesy nod of the head from one of the children as they scurried out of the area.

The dad knew what was going to eventually happen due to the fact that he understood what kind of lineage the kids had when it came to taking baths after dinner.  He was actually trying to prevent them from getting disciplined for the same thing that they have received over and over for quite some time now.  But once again the children believed that they knew more than the parents and went along their merry way to their respective places and began their delaying tactics.

The mom told the kids to go up and get ready for their baths and for someone to be first in the tub.  Many noises were heard upstairs and even in the bathroom but to her amazement no water was being heard running through the pipes.  After a few minutes of no bath water noises, the mom began to yell at the ceiling and to ask why the water was not running.  A short time after the short question session the sound of running water was heard and the parents went back to their respective activities on the lower floor.  The water continued to run as normal in which each child took their bath and then tried to dress themselves.

This process evidently never went well especially when shouting and other physical contact noises would then be heard as the kids began to jostle for positions within the bathroom.  Soon one of the children would come down and inform the parents that something wrong was going on in the bathroom which would prompt a harsher response from the mom.  In which the one child would then run up and tell what was said to the others.  And of course, the procession upstairs could not be quelled properly and another child would then appear downstairs with the same complaint.  But by the time the second child finished explaining what had occurred, the remaining kids would have joined the area all trying to tell their story at the same time.

At this point the mom has had enough of the excuses for what has not been done even though it has been explained to them many times in the past.  So, the mom stops what she is doing and beings to loudly inform the children of her displeasure in the fact that they have been told numerous times over the past few months to complete this routine almost every night and still to this day they argue with each other and do not do what they have been told to do.  The children stand there and look shocked and stunned because mom has taken this position with their actions.  They stand there with their mouths open in utter disbelief not knowing what prompted this action by their mother.  This is where Mr. Cosby has comically penned the term “brain damaged” damaged children since even though they have been told over and over they refuse to do what the people in authority have instructed them to do. 

The father knew the history of this very moment and everything that led up to this moment within the house.  He tried his best to warn them that if they did not obey what the mother wanted done that they would be in trouble, yet they act like they have never witnessed the response of the mother ever before.  They become angry with the mother and begin to argue with her and begin the blame game towards and against their siblings.  In short, they seem to not get the fact that the parents know what needs to be done and that they set boundaries in order for things to go smoothly as possible for the children.

Ok, some reality checks here.  Did this story happen just as it was described, probably not, but in reality this type of scene or similar ones like it does play out in many households every evening.  It is a fact that children like to do things in their own timing and since children are humans then these same patterns will most likely present themselves once again when adulthood is achieved.  Therefore, the other reality check is that we as adult humans who make the decisions of our communities, states, and nations can have the same thought processes and reactions to things of a similar sort when they occur as well.  It is a normal pattern and one should keep this in mind when things arise in their lives that do not completely suit our well being.  But there is a reason for these warnings and it is of dire importance that we heed them now and not wait to see the results down the road.

I find it interesting how a problem develops within one or two people and then by the time the disciplinary actions take place everyone around is involved and usually included in the process.  This does not mean that everyone was actually involved in the process breakdown but somehow everyone is included in the final motions of the authority figure.  This is not a new concept to us for most of us have been swept up into situations of this nature at some point in our lives.  A personal choice of one person eventually includes others that if caught or found out about will include them as well in whatever comes down the troublesome pike.

Read history and you will find that this pattern of behavior and its consequences have been played out thousands of times.  The personal choices that we make, which are God given, do have an effect not only on our personal lives but also the lives of those around us.  The growth pattern of these choices will eventually find fertile ground to grow exponentially and then these ideas and perceptions will become the norm and expected to be accepted and followed without question.  Now we all know and understand that not every decision that mankind makes is harmful to their societies, but once again if you look throughout history the majority of the decisions that humans make on a societal level are made with so called good intentions but in the end turn out to be disastrous.

When one reads these stories in history, one might also realize that the majority of these disastrous decisions have been made without being in the patterns of society that God desires for His people.  Yes, some of these decisions have been made in the name of God but that does not make them Godly choices.  These decisions are human in nature and demonstrate the weakness in relationship with God and the renewed strength on the reliance with man instead.  This is the deadly portion of man’s reasoning and thinking since man places his trust in each other to find solutions instead of following God’s plan for their society.

The majority of the decisions that humanity make are deemed important to self and to the survival of the society itself.  These are noble decisions and should be respected but where to these decisions lie within the boundaries that have been set by God?  Are they within the confines of His blessings and desires for our lives?  How can we override His goals that He has placed in our spirits in order to provide a temporary and pleasurable outcome that produces no valuable impact upon our lives?  Humanity thrives on these types of maneuvers and it seems like we love to roll around in our own creative mud in order to prove that we were right.

Eventually, the decisions that we make for our lives and societies will come back to either help us or haunt us.  It is agreeable that not everyone may participate in these decisions or even agree with them, but on a societal level everyone who lives within the realm of said society are eligible to reap what has been sown.  There will come a time that the one being that has the authority to set into motion the final results of our decisions has to make the timing choice in order for His will to be completed. 

Many people have stated over the centuries that “god works in mysterious ways” and this statement is very accurate.  What we have not heard is this specific phrase used when things go wrong or bad for our lives, it has always been attributed to the good things in our life.  This usage of this phrase in such a conditional manner actually programs our thinking and reasoning to rely on God only in the good times and then have a foundation for blame on others when things go wrong.  Throughout the Bible when one reads about such catastrophic events that occur to the world and the people they have been thoroughly warned beforehand and then cry out in anger when the time for patience has been waned.

This type of response from the adult society is exactly how the children reacted in the example that I provided at the beginning of the story, with a few differences of course.  The setting can be compared to and the eventual outcome can be related to as well.  WE as humans love to make our own decisions and that is perfectly normal.  But we must have our minds, hearts, and spirits grounded in God so that the decisions that we make will be the best ones for not only our specific lives but for our family’s lives and our society as well.  If we are grounded into God’s ways and mode of thinking we are setting ourselves up for a huge fall and the future consequences of this type of decisions will be disastrous.  It does not matter who you are or what title you hold in life, everyone is subject to these decisions and their results.

I have been instructed to remind you, us, of this condition within our society and for us to re-evaluate our standing in these decisions that we have made.  We need to also reevaluate our relationship with God first and then take a deeper look into the things that we have set into motion before it is too late.  This is our time to stop and to make the necessary changes in our ways in order to stay out of trouble in the future.  We can no longer afford to look at things through the physical mind and physical wants we must turn around and give God the reigns of our land once again. 

I am not saying that every little accident that occurs is a direct action from God but every little accident should jolt our hearts into action in order that we start to re-evaluate the condition of our hearts.  I do know that there is a battle ongoing and that the price is our lives, our spiritual lives which mean everything to God and nothing to our enemy.  I am saying that unusual events that occur can be a direct act that God allows because He wishes to get our attention in order to bring us back to Him and that we choose Him once again.

We need to lose our pride and back up and allow God to direct our paths once again.  For if we do not our society as we know it will face such hardship like we have never known.  We are a mighty and powerful society and our depths stretch throughout the world.  God knows this and so will our demise if we do not turn back to Him.  For this article is not solely directed at the Church but also society itself as well.  The Church should already know their standing within the world and should already be correcting our stance, but it seems like even we need to be reminded again of our current status within.  Repent!!  And then allow God to restore our country and societal beliefs back to God so that we may once again know true healing of our land.


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