Monday, January 25, 2016

Hide and Seek

Hide and Seek


It is difficult to swallow that the Church plays this game with God each and every second of the day, but it is a game that we have learned and are now sustaining its rules within our hearts.  It is an easy game to play but when it comes to the spiritual aspects of our survival it opens the doors for complete disaster.  We have adopted the fun and games mentality within the Church heart and it is now being openly exposed to the enemy with violent consequences.  What is so striking about this concept is that the Church through all of her games does not even recognize what the world has established and what it shall require from us in a short period of time.  It is just a matter of time before this occurs, will the Church stop playing her games and begin to accomplish what Jesus commanded her to do?

Most of us have played this game at one time or another when we were young.  The number of places in which this game can be played is almost limitless as long as the imagination of the person is present and active.  Even though I would not have chosen to complete this game on this spot but I have heard of it being played in a cemetery, which is an interesting concept but a tad creepy, even for myself.  The game is simple and can be played in a house, backyard, within a few hundred yards diameter or up to a mile away it all depends on how many people are playing and how tough the players wish to conduct the game.  Almost every time someone is found and the game will continue with another person counting and then looking for the others.  The one person that is chosen to look for the other players that have hidden counts for an approximate amount of time and when that number (time) is reached the person looking for the others then announces that they are coming to look for the people hiding.

The overall object of the game is twofold.  First, it is the job of the person looking for the other players to find them and to seek out their hiding places as quickly as possible, thus proving that the person looking overcame the person hiding’s place, it also places the idea into the heads of those hiding that the person looking sees everything and hears all.  Secondly, it is the job of the person hiding to find a place where they cannot be found.  Speed is the key on this side of the game for the people hiding only have a short amount of time to locate their hiding spot and then strategically place themselves into that spot and wait quietly.  This game is usually a fun game and if played in the right conditions and with adequate space can last for hours on end.

So, the question remains of how this game that we commonly play relates to how we view God and the laws that He has placed over our lives.  One of the gifts that God has given us is our mind and through this gift, we have the ability to understand in depth of how God works in our lives and for our lives.  It is also through this gift that we choose to accept or to deny the very laws that God has in place as well.  There are so many modernists today that demand that since the times of the world are changing that God must change as well, what an arrogant belief coming from a flawed individualistic and selfish stance.  Yet, it is prevalent in our societies and it is gaining strength each and every passing second of the day, with no opposition from the Church what-so-ever.

The game of hide and seek has a set amount of rules that the game must be played, they are not hard or difficult by any means and of course, there will be some who refuse to play these rules and do their own things in order to come out ahead; in other words, they are focused on themselves and not on the rules, sound familiar?  It frightens me that humanity loves to find ways around God’s laws and then subsequently follow their flawed beliefs till the day their lives end.  Study God’s Word and this truth is completely missed and even ignored; which, actually proves God’s Word correct and accurate.  And when you place the components of this truth into practice it becomes clear that this is exactly what we are doing when it comes to the laws of God.

All laws of God come together in His Word and it is through His Word that gives us life, both the physical one we know and the spiritual one that we strive to know.  The ultimate protection of God was thwarted in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve decided to split their divinely inspired and given dominion and allowed our eternal enemy to invade their lives.  Even before God cast them from the Garden He gave them the one symbol of further protection by sacrificing an animal and giving them a real covering, a process that was shown to be grossly misrepresented with their sons Cain and Abel.  The final sacrifice came when God Himself sent His Son to complete the sacrificial process in order to bring back communion between God and humanity.  It is through this process in which God provides the necessary covering for anyone who wishes to choose to separate themselves from the world and to choose His ways over the world’s ways.

It amazes me to hear of people that call themselves “Christians” that continually seek to find ways to incorporate the world’s ways into their lives and to push God’s ways out at the same time.  Incorporating the world into their lives, in all honesty, is not an accurate statement for we are born into sin which means that the world is already a part of our lives and means that when we recognize this truth that it should be our goal to separate ourselves from the world and not to incorporate it.  This is where the principles of the game hide and seek come into play and a concept that has overtaken our lives in almost every capacity as well.

As mentioned above when one plays the game of hide and seek the ones who are hiding go to certain places and sit there for a moment or two and then a certain phenomenon begins to crowd our minds, we need to see if we have chosen the right place or not.  I remember when I played this game that it would kill me to be still and quiet long enough to ensure my “security” when the deemed seeker was looking for me.  I would peek out and look around to see if that person was close and as time went along and I was not found, my time outside of my hiding place grew longer.  This action of mine stated that I while I felt comfortable in my hiding spot I was not satisfied with the conditions of the chosen spot.  Therefore, I had to reassure myself of my position and thus take a step away from my safety spot and take a look around.  In other words, I lost confidence and trust in my covering and I no longer considered it necessary to have this covering around me.

How do people associate this concept in their lives when it comes to God?  It first begins when they grasp and then incorporate the idea that God’s laws are not real and true into their lives.  This is when they peek from around their hiding spots to see if anyone is coming to find them and then quickly return to their hiding place.  As time goes along the "peeks" grow in number and they become stances.  If a person does not follow god’s laws as close as possible at all times these peeks shall become stances and most importantly these people cannot believe in the ultimate sacrificial process that provides our eternal covering either; tough statement but true.

If one chooses to peek out from under the covering of God’s grace then one automatically puts their lives at the mercy of the world, the one who is searching for you.  There were many times when I played hide and seek that the person looking for me saw my head pop out from behind a tree or heard my movements in a dark closet yet wanted to keep me waiting for a while until they “found” me.  Our spiritual enemy is the exact same.  The game of hide and seek that we play with when it comes to God is not concerned with our physical but our spiritual only.  Satan has already gained access to our physical lives and has incorporated his death and separation initiatives but it is the spiritual that he is now concerned with and he knows that if he can get us to play this game with God’s Word then ha has a legitimate shot at stealing our spiritual eternity.

Our enemy sees us each time we peek our spirits out from under Jesus’ covering, this is a given.  The more time we spend looking around out from under our covering the better chances that our enemy has to separate us from God.  Make no mistake that as soon as we give into our curiosities Satan is right there watching our movements and gathering information concerning our wills.  If we see that one certain law of God’s may not be kept then maybe one more not kept will have no effect on us either, this is the process where our peeks become stances and it is through these stances that we eventually stand our ground and defend.  And when we have grown into this position we have totally abandoned the covering that God has once again divinely provided for us.  When we place “we” or “our” in front of God we have voluntarily stepped out from His covering, or out from our hiding spot.

As long as we are under the blood of Jesus there is no way possible that Satan can harm our spiritual lives.  He may walk around and scream your name but he can in no manner touch your life because your blood covering is hiding you and separating you from the world and Satan’s realm.  However, our fault comes into play that we like to stick our faces out to see what is coming and what is going on from under the covering and it is at this point where we lose our protection.  Just as Adam and Eve recognized their personal strength within the Garden of Eden and stepped away from God’s covering we do the exact same thing when we question God’s laws for our lives.  Even when we question just one law of God, we fall into this category.  It is our responsibility to ask God questions concerning His ways it is not our place to even think about questioning God’s laws; there is a huge difference in these two situations.

It is evident that humans have clearly chosen to question God’s laws instead of asking God questions concerning His ways.  I sadly have to include the Church in this setting as well, for she has fallen into the standing outside of God’s divine hiding place. When the Church accepts worldly concepts as truth instead of living through the Word of God, she has been gravely taken in by our enemy.  I also find it very scary that the Church ahs no desire to return to her hiding place either confirming the fact that she has made the choice to ignore God’s Word and His laws as her foundation.

Just as it was our choice to step out from under our spiritual and divine covering, we have the same choice to return to the covering that has all the necessary qualities of eternal life.  God’s protection is still in place and God is calling everyone to either return to His covering or to come to His covering from the world.  Restoration of our dominion is what God wishes for our lives, for our dominion is what keeps us intact.  Humanity allows our dominion to be hacked apart each time we step out from under our covering and as long as we do this stepping out our dominion will be taken and divided up. 

From the time that God created mankind He has provided a protective covering and after Adam and Eve ripped this covering apart God established a further covering called His Covenant.  Mankind failed this protective initiative as well so God put into place the ultimate covering through His Son’s blood.  All of these coverings came from a divine origin which means God cannot break them and if He did then He would be a liar and cease to be considered God.  It is mankind that broke the covering status in the Garden of Eden, then violated the covenants that God made in Old Testament Scriptures, and are now, willingly violating the blood covenant of Christ with their games of spiritual hide and seek.

God is calling for His children to stop this hide and seek activity, both in the physical realm and in the spiritual realm as well. God shall never force anyone to accept His ways it will only be done through our choice.  God cannot protect a person or nation when it willingly leaves the covering of His origin whether that stepping out is part way, 1/2 way or completely in nature.  His Word is our source of knowledge concerning our protection and if we cannot understand and honestly believe God’s laws in the Old Testament how can we believe and follow His ultimate law of sacrifice through His Son? 

It is impossible to do this for we must keep in mind that 50% is still an “F”.  God gave all and that is what He expects from us in return.  Return to God’s covering and allow God to protect us from every trick and horror that our enemy can inflict upon our spiritual and physical lives.  Allow God to restore your dominion.  And Church, allow God to restore your dominion as well for you are God’s embassy to the world and the only light that can be properly shown to the dark world.  If the Church will stop playing the game of hide and seek, our world shall turn around guaranteed but if she does not then our enemy shall overrun the people of the world and utterly destroy them setting the Church as his example.

This type of “game” was what brought Adam and Eve’s world to a halt and it ended their dominion as they knew it for they spent the remaining years of their existence fighting for their return.  The same type of activity is about to cost this country its dominion that god has righteously given to the world and this decay has begun with our individual dominions being plucked to the core by our enemy, then extended to the Church now and this degradation of our eternal existence is now threatening our societies as we know it.  This destruction is preventable yet we continue to push out the one source of protection by stepping out to see what the world has to offer.


Saturday, January 23, 2016

A Coming Change

A Coming Change


It seems like something in our world occurs almost every day that forces us to adjust to a new standard that the world has accepted and it is fascinating to watch how people scramble in order to cope with these changes.  But if you look at the patterns of these current events the results have been in the making for quite some time and the results of the actions of governments are just now taking hold.  Whether you have thought about this or not, the world is not going to end tomorrow nor will it end anytime soon either, but hold on to your hats because there are some changes that are about to take place that we need to be watching out for.  It is our responsibility to recognize these world changes and to get the message out concerning them and what they mean for all humanity.

I must admit that it has taken me a while to complete this article for I must acknowledge that God is in complete control of what He gives me and when He says to go ahead and to write about what has been shared with me.  I also must admit that when He gives me certain topics to write about He leaves the details out of the equation for a certain amount of time, which totally frustrates me a great deal.  But as I receive these topics He places enough information along that I can have the general concept of what He is passing along to His people and what fascinates me the most is that when He finishes the details of the topic society has fallen into the exact position for them to understand what has occurred, what is occurring and what is about to occur.  God never keeps any information away from His children, we just tend to ignore the truth and go about our own ways instead.

God shared with me this topic back in June of 2014 but when He gave me the topic I wrote the introductory paragraph and that was it, all other guidance ceased.  It clearly was not time for me to write such words and testimony to His people and I knew that I had to trust His guidance for the future.  It is this part of His sharing with me that is cumbersome to my life and while He is in control of what goes on in my life, I still get defensive and restless when things do not line up in my favor.  This topic is not an easy one to write about nor does it deal with a pleasant topic for it solely deals with restoration.  Isn’t restoration a good thing, you ask?  Yes, it is but it is the process by which restoration is allowed to begin that worries me and it is through this process of restoration that God wants His children to understand for the afterward of things that are to come.

God has shared with us many times things that occur within the world and in our lives according to His timing alone.  It is this standard that is hard for us to comprehend and then to accept, as I have found out through His process of sharing His words with me.  The only thing that I can compare His timing too is that of our daily schedules and how dull and boring they can become especially when we follow the same routine over and over for decades.  Our lives and patterns become predictable and, therefore, stagnate in our life’s journey which explains as to why our lives become complicated and intertwined with the world since the world is the prime facilitator of “excitement”.

I must ask myself how would I look at things if God every Thursday afternoon dropped His article topics into my heart.  How would that continued process differ from my everyday work schedule and every other scheduled and daily activity, and how long would it be until I began to dread every Thursday afternoon?  Would it be right for me to schedule meetings or dinner at that specific time, just to spite God or to keep Him from showing me what He wished for His children?  Would that be an example of a controlling God or a slave holder?  This example is exactly what God does not want for His children; for them to have thoughts of Him in that manner, which is why God seeks out the hearts of those who are willing to listen to His voice and are willing to wait on His words when they arrive.

God sees the needs of the heart and addresses the issues at the correct time according to what He hears.  This is a process in which we tend to ignore or do not wish to understand because it would take the focus off of our lives and place it on the better qualities of our eternal existence, which is what we are supposed to be doing in the first place; you know the separation from the world law that God has in place.  Anyway, I struggled with this topic because it was just sitting there and to be deeply honest I have not given it much of a thought since June 2014, until today and it was at this time that God showed me exactly what He wanted me to share with you concerning this topic and He wants us to know that through our hearts a gigantic change is coming but even with this change, He still wants us to understand that after all is said and done, He is still in the restoration business and He desires for us that remain to return to Him and to His ways before the real hard times come into fruition.

I have mentioned before that I asked my mother one time about the word restoration and what that word’s definition to her might be.  Her response was priceless and accurate for she said that for something to be restored it has to be utterly destroyed or made beyond its original composition.  At the time, it was a powerful statement and one that gave me hope in the ministry that God has given me, but it was the reason for the restoration part that I did not fully comprehend at that time.  I understood from this definition that something extraordinary must occur to this country and to the societies that follow its lead, but it was the time that existed between the calamities and further destruction that was just as important to humanity as the ones that I knew about.  I also understand that through the timing of these events God shall make aware of things that need to be addressed in order that we all fully understand what is transpiring around us; including my family.

The change is coming to this country due to the deliberate and sinful nature that we have readily accepted both in our public lives and in the Church heart, and based upon this truth the foundation of the concept of separation of Church and State cannot be forged or even spoken correctly about, for both have interwoven themselves in worldly values and are destined to form a union that only God can now truly separate.  However, after the fall of this country is completed, there will be a period of time when mankind has the opportunity to recognize their sinful ways and to turn their hearts back to God and it is this time that God wishes for us to recognize that in order for this restoration to occur we must truly change from the heart and not in words alone.  We have been lied to enough about hope and change coming from an earthly view and it is now time for us to truly begin to change in heart, spirit and in truth to be complete again.

We must recognize that when this tragedy arrives both the just and the unjust shall perish in its wake and this must occur in order for God to be complete and true to His Word.  Yet He shall protect His own and care for every need that they may have and justly control their environment and surroundings accordingly.  But none shall go untouched and what God has predicted shall come to pass including restoration for all those who seek it.  The time in between these dark events and when God’s Word shall be humanly erased from this planet is a considerable amount of time.  How much is not known but after what those around the world shall witness as truth, who cares how much time there is; just be right with God.  It is not going to be an easy time, for after every devastation hard times set into motion, but if one believes in God and lives according to His ways, God is faithful and just to provide.  He has said this from the Book of Genesis and all the way through to the end of the Book of Revelation and He shall not fail us today.

God has not revealed to me the specific details of what is going to occur to this planet, but He has revealed some of these things to others.  While I do not really like the prophetic settings for there is so much room for human interpretation instead of divine truth, I do believe that these things that have been predicted shall come to pass.  The reason that I believe that these visions shall come to pass is that God has revealed to me my ministry of restoration and through the Webster’s Dictionary definition and through the personal definition of the word restoration of my mother, I cannot foresee any other alternative to what is coming.  It makes perfect sense to my mortal mind and more importantly, it lines up with the behavior patterns of two examples in the Bible, God’s people and God Himself; how can I argue with this?

As the physical birthing pangs begin to display themselves throughout the world it is a wondrous sight to know that my family has been preparing themselves for these events to arrive.  To be honest, I do not know that all of my family will be protected when God descends His judgment upon this world for I do not have the capability to shelter their lives for they too have spiritual hearts and ears to listen for God’s voice.  I can only pray for them and to show them, through God’s words of what is coming and that they should be listening to His instructions, NOW!  This is a heartbreaking and gut-wrenching revelation to me, but while it hurts I know it is the truth and since my family has been raised knowing God they understand to listen for His voice so that they may know.

Let us rejoice in the truth that God loves His children and as of this exact moment, we still have the opportunity to change our hearts and lives so that God is first in our lives, without the immediate consequences of our sins begin placed in front of us.  I do not know how much time we have before our catastrophic change appears, but know that God has confirmed this in many people not only in this country but around the world as well.  Prepare yourself in all areas of life, especially in the spiritual manner, get right with God and place this world behind you.  Doom and gloom?  Yep, and you want to know the reason why?  It is because of the sin that we have allowed to infiltrate our lives and that we live in, willingly and gleefully each and every second of the day and night.  There is no alternative when this is the way one lives; plain and simple and it should come as no surprise when these events occur.

But as always, even through the storm and after the waters recede, God is there and is a refuge to our sinful ways.  God is still alive and He is still amongst our lives and He is calling out for true repentance from His children.  He does not want to see any more games of hide and seek, look at what it has made us into.  God’s children, all of them, need to repent of their sins and earthly ways and choose to allow God to begin His restoration plan within their lives today.  Diversion of this great tragedy can still be changed, but it must come immediately.  God loves you and so do I.  Today is a fantastic day for God to be able to restore your dominion.


Monday, January 18, 2016




Magnification is sometimes the only method in which we can thoroughly understand what is being presented to our eyes and it is through this process that objects become clear enough that their entire status or meaning can be truly examined.  Each day of our existence proves this fact and it is our responsibility to inject the necessary time necessary in order to evaluate the situations that we encounter.  God’s Word proves this point accurately for there are many that love to make their scans of its content and then interpret its meanings based upon no real hard study.  God intended for His Word to be a light unto our path, not a blind meaningless book that cannot be read in the darkness.  The only way to use the Word of God in its full capacity is to magnify its words into our hearts and to live by them as long as we have breath.

A while back God shared with us an article that dealt with the immersion oil that I use in my daily activities that allow me to focus on cells that I have to look at in order to accurately describe to the physician of what is ongoing within the patient’s bloodstream.  Without this oil being added to the slide of cells I cannot focus on the cells that have been placed on the viewing area for identification.  A further process is called magnification in which I can change strengths of the optics in order to get a closer view of the cells.  Along with the immersion oil, these optics allow my eyes to accurately view the cells and enhance their appearance well enough that I can adequately identify them when they cross my field of view.  And since identifying cells is a huge portion of my job and my accuracy depended upon by physicians, it is vital that I have a knowledge of those cells that I look at and that their appearance in my microscope is well presented.

Microscopes have come a long way in their development and with the addition of optics that increase or decrease the magnification of the cells on a slide, identification, and specificity of these cells can be easily determined.  It is through this identification that allows the physician to determine whether or not their patient is responding to the treatment they are receiving, not responding adequately or presenting with another underlying condition that may hinder such treatment.  Without this enhancement capability, the physicians could only take a guess at what was truly going on within their patient’s body.  This guessing process is not limited to just the serious diseases it includes some of the common ones as well; in short, all areas of medicine benefits from this technology of specificity and it shall only continue to improve standards as this technology improves.

Counting these cells is one of the technical details of my job and there would be no way possible for me to complete this type of exercise if I did not have the capability to see the cells in large enough detail to separate them from other types of cells.  Cells are placed into categories according to their size, shape and color and it is through these categories and specific descriptions that I present these results to the physician for a diagnosis.  If there are a large number of cells that represent an infection, they can help ascertain where this infection may lie.  Without the usage of the optics on my microscope to determine these basic identifiers of cells, I could not adequately provide the physician with the necessary information so that they could help the patient.

It is through the different types of cells identified on the slide that determines what is going on within the systemic bloodstream of a human and it is through the number the amount of cells in each category that define a normal state or an abnormal state.  But there would be no way possible to accurately identify these cells accurately if I did not have the magnification tools needed to identify these cells.  All I would be able to report to the physician would be that there were a whole bunch of cells present with no way of finding out the specificity of those cells.  In other words, the physician could not provide the right amount of therapy, antibiotics, or treatment because I could not properly do my job.

When we have the disciplines to look at these cells and to determine their characteristics we can properly help them according to what has been provided.  There are many aspects of the medical field that are still vague in nature simply because we have not developed the specific technology to identify all potential problems that the body can present.  This is a portion of my field that is still frustrating both on the provider side and from the patient side of the issues and with given time and studies I am confident that we shall know more information soon.  How does this topic relate to our spiritual lives?  Its specifics course through our hearts but many times we do not spend enough time studying (magnifying) God’s Word to our lives in order that we can know what is actually occurring around us.

For many years of my life, I read the Bible in scan mode, not really diving deep into the words that were presented before my eyes.  If I had the time to present this scenario to each Christian I can safely say that the majority of them would conclude the same type of scan mode reading.  It is easy for one to say that they read the Bible but many of us do not take the time to study the words of the Bible and to apply them to our everyday lives.  Take each word and verse as a slide of blood cells.  A verse of the Bible is laid out on a glass slide to be read.  It is placed under the microscope (your heart’s eyes) and placed upon a mechanism to be read. 

How do you look at these words?  The simple and most common way to accomplish this feat is to place it on the lowest magnification and to get a general meaning of what the verse is saying, a short, common answer here and not surprising.  Yet, this magnification is where most of us stop and move on to the next verse (slide) without properly examining the previous verse first.  Most humans are afraid to study or refuse to study these words because it may make them come to the realization that their beliefs about God are incomplete or totally incorrect.  But we cannot understand what is going on around us and in our lives if we do not magnify these words large enough that we can properly identify the truth.

There is no way that we can fully understand God unless we magnify His words to us.  There is no way that we can truly understand what our enemy is trying to do to our lives unless we magnify God’s Word into our hearts.  There is no way that we can completely understand what our lives mean to God unless we magnify Him through our lives and there is no way possible that we can fully understand our lives without magnifying His Word and applying it to our lives specifically.  The only way to achieve this understanding is to change the magnification of God’s Word and adequately use the tools He has provided us so that we can study for ourselves what He is saying to us.

As long as our hearts continue into the scanning magnification we shall only be able to inaccurately interpret the Word of God. This concept is running rampant throughout the world today, heavily including the Church in this concept.  The world does not want you to understand the details of life nor does it wish for you to understand what is really transpiring around you, all it wants is for you to accept its “reality” and go with the flow.  This is a death trap, both in the physical setting and in the spiritual setting and we are allowing it to occur without even a fight.

It is time that we change the magnification of the Word of God within our hearts and to allow God to restore the truth within our lives.  God is the only provider that can give us a true opportunity to make it in this world and it is through His Word that we shall accomplish this task.  We can no longer afford to scan the Bible and to simply read its words; to be honest, that type of procedure is an excellent example of religion and not relationship.

Without us changing our heart’s magnification optics we are strictly doomed to the wiles of the devil.  When we change the magnification of the optics to the words of God we then have the resources necessary to understand our lives in motion.  It is evident that our hearts and our wills have been clearly shadowed from the truth through our casual scanning of the slides of God, so much so that we do not care to change our methods of identification of God’s Word because it would totally collapse our inner beings.  However, the only way possible for us to return to God’s ways is for this collapse to occur, and it is through this process of repentance that restoration can honestly occur. 

There is no way that God can grab our attention until we allow this to occur and from the activities of our societies today, we are refusing to change the magnification of our hearts.  We seek and we learn through our hearts and it is through this process that we live according to what we seek.  Consequently, as our selfish magnification continues to grow our scanning magnification of God’s Word becomes smaller and smaller.  Today, we can barely even recognize that there are cells located on the slide and it is impossible to identify them even if we wished for their identification.  God must be magnified within our hearts in order for us to have the ability to magnify the cells of our existence and when we allow God to be magnified in our lives our lives will decrease in stature and the results will be evident on countless levels.

When God is allowed to increase the magnification in our lives His Word will become a true light unto our lives and when we study His verses and place their content to our lives we cannot help but to personally identify their meaning and incorporate it into our lives.  This means that it brings life into the Word of God for it infiltrates our bodies and our hearts so that we may fully understand what is going on around us.  We can properly identify the works of the world and combat them effectively.  We can call out the improprieties that it deems as normal and we can spiritually, with authority, condemn their acts within our lives through the blood of Jesus. 

So, why is our world in such chaos?  The evidence to the naked eye or from the scanning heart is so uncertain that no answers can be given and falling for the next lie becomes the norm.  If we allow God to change the settings of our heart’s magnification to His Word all will easily become clear and the process of cleaning up our societies will be the easiest job to recognize.  But it shall only occur if we allow God to change the magnification of our hearts so that we can see how to accomplish this task.  Each heart has the possibility of this process to be completed but as always it is our choice to accept and to apply.  God loves each and every one of us and He wants only to change our hearts through His Word.  As long as our hearts are in scanning magnification our interpretations of what is on the slide (the Bible) can only provide danger and inaccuracies, but changing the magnification to a higher power will point out the complete truth according to God’s Word.


Friday, January 15, 2016

Eve's Lie

Eve’s Lie


Most of us who have grown up in church can readily rattle off the story about when Eve added to God’s command in the Garden of Eden, but can we give an account of what that lie actually says about our enemy?  It is a posing question that one needs to understand so that we may seek the truth in all things that God gives us for if we do not, or we do not take them seriously, hen our fall is imminent just as Adam and Eve did in their God-given dominion.  That might be a harsh statement to make, but it is a true one and one that should be needed 24/7.  Yes, the same result shall occur if we do not heed to this knowledge and if you do not believe what God is saying, take a good look around you and you will see this destruction ongoing.

Sometimes it is difficult to put our finger on the one exact thing that causes people to fade from the ways of their parents, societal laws or God.  It is also hard for us to understand why Adam and Eve sinned and what was this exact thing or mindset that led them to this sinful state.  In order for us to make sense of things we must first remember that Adam and Eve were humans and their bodies were created the exact same way as you and I.  The only exception was that when they were created they did not have any inhibitions that lived within their bodies, they were perfect in every way, the exact way that we were designed to function.  Yet, they chose to accept sin into their lives by the one being that had the capability to deceive them.

The verses that I am going to refer to in this article come from Genesis 3:1-6.  This is a very famous and familiar passage that has been used in countless sermons over the centuries, and with many denominations present in today’s world it is safe to say that this passage is one of the more referenced settings in the Bible as well.  But what do we know about this passage and what does this passage tell us about the mindset of Eve?  And it is this topic of Eve’s lie that God wants us to know about for if we do it will give us a clue about what our enemy is doing and how he operates.  Lying always hurts no matter what the situation may be, and to those that lie, it separates them from the communion that they have with others and to those who are being lied to it crushes all hopes of trust in the person that is lying to them.

In Genesis 3:1 we see that the serpent has entered into a conversation with Eve concerning the trees of the Garden of Eden that they may eat from and the verse ends with the serpent asking Eve a question about what God said.  In Genesis 3:2-3 we have Eve giving her response to the serpent with the following: “And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: But of the fruit of the tree in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.”

The conversation continues in Genesis 3:4-5 when the serpent replies “And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know in the day that ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.”  The final act comes in Genesis 3:6 stating “And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.”

How does this statement by Eve come into play in our lives today and how does the statement the Eve provides prove that there are two kingdoms vying for our lives?  We must first understand that God has never left any of His details out about the world, its creation or our lives, He has just made it our choice to choose to understand these principles and if we know the eternal and direct principles of God we have all the tools necessary to understand this part of our history and it is through this process that His holy order is intact.  I have heard countless times of humans asking where God was during the Holocaust, or where was God when the Indonesian earthquake or the Haiti earthquake struck?  These questions are legitimate ones but ones that should be explained if we comprehend as to what is actually ongoing for our lives and the state that our lives portray with each breath we take.  Some of these answers to our questions may come in strange realities but others come with hard cold facts once we open our hearts completely to God.

Secondly, we must accept that there is an enemy out to destroy our lives, both in the physical realm and in the spiritual realm, with both of these running parallel and concurrent with each other.  It is the job of our enemy to inform us about the “flaws” of God and for us to question His laws that God has put into place, it is not his job to inform us of the methods in which he is trying to accomplish this feat.  For if he gives away his strategies to us right up front and openly, then he has defeated himself before he begins his quest for our destruction.  This means that he must infiltrate enough of our lives in order for him to systematically provide some type of material in our lives that we fail to recognize as a lie in order for him to establish a foundation for his operation; where we begin to make our own conclusions instead of the ones that are already in place, making a black line gray if you wish to put it in these terms. 

How did he do this with Eve?  In her statement about touching the tree and how they were not supposed to do it, that statement of hers is a direct result of the lies and the beguiling that Satan accomplished with Eve.  One can imagine that while the serpent approached Eve that he must have touched the trees of the Garden many times, could have even sat in them when having conversation with Eve, buttering her up for the ultimate “kill” when the time was ripe; all of this is a logical process that our mind would process as normal and help set the final stage for Satan’s plan.  Satan in no way mentioned this part of Eve’s statement again when he was justifying his position on the tree and what it would do to them.  This lie of Eve’s was evidence that he had deceived her enough that when pressed with the overall law that had been established, she would add to it, to make it a complete law, in her own eyes.

This is exactly what occurred in these passages where the serpent was talking to Eve and asking her about the tree.  In verse 3 of this chapter, Eve makes a correct statement by saying that they could not eat of the fruit of the tree in question but it was the next portion of her statement that illustrates what the above paragraph is stating for she then said that they could not touch the tree and this is the lie that the serpent placed into Eve’s head during their time together.  While the lie that Eve told is an important element in this passage it is what the serpent did next that tells the tale about what is in play.

The serpent immediately replied: “And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know in the day that ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.”  It is this part that explains what our enemy is after and it is in two parts.  First of all, Satan knows exactly what God has placed into motion and he understands, personally, what will occur when a perfect being chooses to go against what God has established.  Secondly, when Satan makes his last plea to Eve he leaves out a very specific detail concerning the statement of Eve; he interestingly left out the lie that Eve said, just plain skipped it and continued on with his plea.

When a person or in this case, a being is trying to persuade another party to do something, logically it would not be in the party’s interest to know all of the possible consequences of what could occur if they subject themselves to the presenter’s ploy.  It is logical for the person originating the scheme to leave out portions of the consequences in order to push forward their agenda, therefore, placing all of the choices onto the person being given the opportunity for completion.  Eve and the serpent were at this point in their conversation and even at this point Eve could have reversed her lie and told the truth of what God said, but in turn, she saw that the fruit was good to eat and chose to eat from it. 

The lie is allowed to be followed through with without any objection from the one who projects the event.  The serpent did not care that Eve made the lie and allowed it to be fulfilled which provides us with an important bit of further information about his ways.  According to our choices that we make our enemy shall not deter his intentions due to the fact that his ultimate goal is our destruction.  Eve’s lie confirms this truth in that when she made the statement and nothing immediately occurred to her she gained further satisfaction in her statement and thus proceeded to fulfill the lie when she took and ate from the tree.  Satan did not wish for her to know that it was through her actions and will that would be instrumental in separating herself eternally from God, so Satan did not say a word as she reached for, took and then ate from the tree.

This process is evident in our lives today with the same type of setting that our enemy has provided us.  He has duped the Church into believing that the incorporation of sin into our hearts is okay and since nothing has been done by God, that God is acceptable by our actions.  It is the same principle involved here and it shall soon take hold in our lives.  The important thing to remember here is that both God and Satan shall allow your lie to be played out and all parties involved shall watch the results unfold.  God never agrees to disobedience and our enemy revels in it because this entire process, obedience, and disobedience, define both kingdoms that vie for your eternal placement.

It is through this process and setting that is vital that we take what God says and keep it safely hidden into our hearts so when our enemy approaches us with a “viable” option we can immediately respond with the true Word of God instead of an idea that we wish to be carried out.  This was Eve’s problem in that she did not recognize what was transpiring during her time with the serpent.  She fell for his trap and then immediately turned to her equal and he did the exact same as her; he too gave into the lie and therefore equally received the consequences.  I cannot stress how important it is that we know the Word of God and what it means to our lives.  We cannot afford to make individual interpretations to its content but to take them eternally at its sayings because that is exactly what is at stake, our eternity.

Satan does not care how he fools us, he does not care how he gets us to fall, he cares nothing about your life all he is interested in is that you spend your eternal existence away from God, completely separated for eternity.  Satan hates you and everything that you can be according to God’s law and he shall stop at nothing in order to keep you from understanding that God loves you and that there is a high price placed upon your head.  It is this point that wreaks havoc on so many lives in the world and it is a tool that our enemy uses in order for people to devalue their lives and the potential that they have been created with.  It is obvious that the Church has missed this truth because of the self-absorbance that she is now proclaiming, which is another portion of Eve’s lie that we are living with.

Satan shall continue to allow us to live the lies that we proclaim to be truths in order to fulfill his wishes for our lives.  Any participation that we have with the world is his goal for he knows that once his foot is in our dominion he can further his kingdom through our lives through the ways of the lie.  A lie is just that, a lie.  Even though it may look good to the eye and smell good to the senses, it is a lie and if we buy into the lie then we are taken into another realm of deceit and death instead of life and happiness.  This is exactly why the Church and the world are currently getting along so well, for the world has sold its ways to the Church and because the Church refuses to believe in God’s authoritative Word she has bought into the world’s lies and accepted them as the truth instead.  In other words, we have looked at the tree of good and evil, listened to the enemy, taken the fruit from that tree and have bitten into it and are now handing it over to the rest of the world as a testament that nothing is wrong and has no immediate detail has occurred, fully ignoring that as each individual responds by taking a bite is immediately sucked into the eternal lie and completes the process of eternal separation from God.

It is not God’s desire for any of His children to miss out on His will and life, on the other hand, it is the duty of our enemy to ensure that all of us miss out on God’s promises for our lives.  This statement alone defines what a lie is because God is the complete definition of eternal truth.  It is truly sad that the Church has turned her focus away from God and has placed it on the lie concerning the fruit on the tree.  The Church is supposed to be the living example of god and the perfect provision from a dying world and a hateful enemy.  Yet, she has turned from the truth and believes the enemy instead, and is now racing to commit eternal treason from Her Creator and proving our enemy correct.

As always, God has provided an escape route for everyone who chooses to believe His Word to be the truth but our time is short because the masses are choosing to believe the lie instead.  All throughout the bible God has given mankind choices in their existence and when the human heart becomes filled enough of the world God must act according to His laws.  Many do not understand this truth and mock Him greatly for such but if He did not give us warnings first how could He claim to be the Creator and all inclusive God that He is. 

God’s call of repentance and restoration as of this moment is still ringing loud and true, He still can provide the sacrificial covering as He did in the Garden but our time is limited.  Eve’s lie was based upon the knowledge of what God stated but reverberated through her personal interpretation of His law, this is the epic stance that we are taking today and God is placing His people on notice as of this moment that we are wrong!  God is love and His love sacrificed greatly so that we may have eternal life through Him, not the world.  God calls for us to be separate from the world, even though the world may look like a beautiful creation and setting.  Separated yourselves from the world, for time is short and god is loudening His call to return to Him.  The setting and placement of Eve’s lie is still being used today by our enemy and just as the days of Adam and Eve we are missing what God is saying and believing her lie.


Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Weight of Sin

Weight of Sin


Has anyone out there ever contemplated this phrase and the depth that it has on our lives, or have you been like me ignoring the real truth behind its measure?  This truth grabs a hold of us while we are developing within our mother’s body and are born with it as we take our first breath.  It is easy to miss, complicated to understand yet it plays such a burden upon our lives.  We cannot escape it until we reach our heavenly Father’s eternal presence and even with the knowledge of its presence we continue to ignore the source of its presence and the truth behind its remedy.  There is a way to help with this burden of ours and He is the only One way and until humanity figures this, the weight shall not become lighter only heavier and darker.

The hardest course I took in college was Embryology, yet this course was also the most intriguing one and the one that I learned the most.  The course itself took us from the moment of conception until the few moments after the birth of the baby.  Until I took this course I had no idea of just how complicated the processes of human development are and how intricate of details are needed in order for everything to line up in place.  Each day after class I left the room in awe of what had been presented to me, and each day I began to realize just how delicate life is and at the same time how amazingly detailed our creation is completed.

At the time, I took this course I was pretty well stuck in a safe mode according to my beliefs and motivations and did not have any desires to be writing either.  I continued my pursuit of God but at a shallow distance to what I needed to be; a state of which this country, most of the other societies within the world, and Church are currently residing.  While I was receiving the physical knowledge of human development I was completely missing out on the detailed organization of sin that affects our lives even before we leave the womb, and furthermore, I had no idea that this process of sloughing was part of the weight of sin that each one of us inherit when we are created.

When God created mankind He had no intentions of creating a being that could not stand the test of time, meaning that the being could live forever, live in a perfect state, sinless life and without any blemish present inside or outside.  It was our choice to invite sin into our lives and since this moment in human history, we have gained the necessary tools to go against this perfect state of our original creative status.  It is this portion of our lives that should offend God to the utmost for He did not create such a being, yet through the gifts that He gave us, we turned His perfect creation into an abomination before His eyes.  Another evident result of the weight of sin is the fact that humanity chose to inflict this process upon our lives by using a perfect gift from God and then agonizingly use it against Him for our physical benefits.  This too contributes to the weight of sin that we tend to carry willingly and proudly.

From the first moments of our conception, our bodies begin a process of development that never ceases until we draw our last breath and each cell in our body expends its total energy.  This is a process that we do not fully understand yet and while we know that this process occurs, we have no real emotions concerning this process because it completes this process without us even knowing what is transpiring within.  The development process is very systematic and thorough when it comes to the creation of new cells.  This process starts out as one cell and continues to double as time proceeds.  However, at a certain point very close to our conception this doubling process ceases for a split moment and only creates a single cell in which causes one of the first cells developed to die.  Its life is over and the result and effect of the weight of sin has now been invoked into our existence.

The process of life and death according to cell life will now continue every second until we physically die.  It is at this point where our body begins to fight against its Creator’s eternal process and while we do not feel its recourse immediately the wrong doings of our bodies start to wear thin on our existence.  It is this internal weight of sin that serves as the foundation for the future problems and burdens that we will carry throughout our lives and it cannot be helped but to be felt as time goes along. The only problem with this truth is that many of us throughout the world either ignore this fact or deny its existence and continue to bear an unnecessary weight that has already been solved.

As I read the Bible I now look at the lives of the people that it talks about and how sorted these people and nations became and search their testaments according to what they allow themselves to endure.  At first, my reactions to their demise is one of pure disbelief and then verbally ask how could someone not understand what is going on at that time but as I turn on the news each night and watch it for a few minutes I have to drop this idea of mine because we are playing out the exact same scenarios today. It is through the link of the death of our embryonic cells that we produce this relevant topic into our lives and therefore, increase our burden of sin exponentially while we carry it on our lives.  What is so amazingly scary about this truth is that as we voluntarily carry this weight around, it continually blinds us from the truth that God is there for us to help and that as we carry this burden we are actually inhibiting His Kingdom from being advanced in our lives and to the rest of the world.

How does one define a weight of sin when we do not understand its overall concept?  We love to look at the mountains or to cast our eyes upon the waves as they crash into the shore yet we cannot see the directional pull of the death marker that we endure each day and what astonishes me the most is that we are happy and content with voluntarily keeping this weight on our lives instead of turning to the One who can lift this burden from our existence; but, as we study the patterns of the examples that God has given us in the Bible we continue to accept the same choices as the people who lived during the biblical times.  Life is tough and the burdens that we encounter in this life are hard enough to endure and while these are cumbersome at times they are no match for the weight of the spiritual sin that overwhelms our lives.

When we are young we tend to believe that we are invincible and that everything that is thrown at us we can fend off without any worries of long-lasting effect of these insults that we fend off and unknowingly pick up and carry for the rest of our lives.  I look at the faces of the younger generations today when I can get them to pry their heads away from their phones, and I notice the troubled looks that they carry within their glances.  I cannot help but to stop and think for a moment if my parents could figure out my struggles that I carried when I as this age and immediately I answer this question with a “yes, they could.”  They also understood the source of those concerns and weights through Hebrews 12:1 and did their best to tell me about why those concerns and weights were there and how to combat them as well.

It terrifies me that the younger generations have become openly ignorant of God and what His presence means to their lives. While they scream and yell for their independent ways they do so with weights upon their shoulders.  They chose to follow the ways of the world which are bright and wide paths and cast roadblocks to the narrow road that presents itself on a routine basis. They increase this weight of sin every time they refuse to understand God and His ways; their interpretation of life is strictly based upon this weight of sin which further dives them into personal conflict both physically and spiritually.  What intrigues me the most is that these people actually believe that while they shun God that they are making things better for everyone in the world, but in truth what they are doing is proving the Bible correct.

I must admit that I fall into the same category as these other people when it comes to the weight of sin.  I did not understand its overall effects on my life until a while back.  All of the physical things that I currently inhabit come from this weight.  They are products of humanity’s past in which I inherited upon my creation.  I accept this and while I do not wish my conditions on anyone, I understand this burden and have turned it over to God for Him to deal with.  The knowledge about the weight of sin is cumbersome in itself for when I look at people and hear their words I know that they are struggling to find answers, but the real question is this: are they willing to listen to the truth about their issues?

I am also not immune to the effects of the weight of sin and do not place myself on any pedestal claiming otherwise.  When God shows me things that this world is facing I cannot help but to become concerned for our future, in fact, my concerns are so great that most of the time I do not speak of it much, for I continue to hope that it will go away if I do not address it.  In truth, this is a weight of sin in my life that I must repent from and turn from its thoughts and effects on my life.  By no means am I perfect in any manner and I suffer from the same weights as anyone else do.  I struggle with the same feelings, thoughts, convictions, admissions – sins – as everyone else and as when I allowed God to show me these truths about my life He began to take away some of these weights by replacing them with His burden of life, which is no comparison with the weight of the world (sin).

Anything that does not advance the Kingdom of God is a weight of sin, pure and simple.  God lays this foundation out in Genesis when He gives mankind 1 law to follow and when that law is broken an eternal state is changed.  This also lays foundation that there is an enemy that is involved and that he has a job to do. It also sets into motion that these two warring kingdoms cannot mix in any way and since this is true, that means that when one is advanced the other is pushed back, no exceptions.  In other words, if God’s Kingdom is advanced that means someone has chosen to recognize the truth and given their weight of sin to God and thus advanced His Kingdom accordingly.  It is our duty to tell people about this weight of sin and how to have people remove it from their lives.  But we get bogged down with all of the insignificant nail-biting circumstances in our lives and ignore the One who can help with these instances; thus, once again adding to the weight of sin. 

It has never been the desire of God for our existence to be bogged down by the weight of sin, this is true because all throughout the Bible He has always provided a way for us to live through His ways.  But as the people in the Bible, we have followed suit and have chosen to carry the weight of sin on our lives instead of choosing God’s ways that ease these weights.  It is obvious that the people in the Bible knew about these weights but chose to carry them instead.  For God created them as He did us which means that they had the same abilities in life as we do.  Yes, technology is different and more advanced but the abilities of the human mind to think and to apply are the same then as they are today.

The weight of sin is heavy upon our lives and unless we choose to rid ourselves of this menace it shall only grow exponentially until it totally consumes us.  The pattern of this truth is evident human history and includes every act of hateful response ever recorded for that is what this topic can only produce.  The goal of the weight of sin is death whether it is represented by the physical means or the spiritual means, both are deadly in their course no matter how one chooses to view it.  The procession towards this ultimate goal has a high price tag and since I am a human and fall into the susceptibility category I understand this quite well.  There is nothing good about the weight of sin and ignoring its presence and truth just complicates matters more for everyone.  See, this weight produces results on both sides of the issue, for the one carrying the weight and the one who will be the recipient of the weight of the one who is carrying it, and when death is the ultimate goal of this weight, look out!

As with every other time period in human history God has provided a way out from under this weight of sin and the ultimate goal that it wishes to achieve.  It is strictly our choice to accept this truth or we can continue to ignore it as we carry it while walking away from it.  The weight of sin is so evident that even the Church has decided to pick up some of this weight and is now proudly displaying it for everyone to contribute.  What a farce our enemy has sold us and to what extent this selling will soon be rewarded upon our shores just wait and see.  Look at the division that has been developed within our lives due to the weight of sin and while we blame God for these conditions we refuse to recognize the truth in our origins for the real meaning of our fallacies.  God wants nothing more than to take away the weight of sin in our lives but in order for us to allow Him to do such things, we must first accept Hebrews 12:1 into our hearts and understand Genesis Chapters 2-3.  Our dominion has been voluntarily compromised by our own actions but God has established a means by which we can overcome the weight of sin. There is only ONE way that this can be completed and it is strictly our choice to do so.


Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Not 1 Law

Not 1 Law


Don’t you just love it when laws are passed and almost immediately an uproar occurs within a certain portion of the community that will be affected?  What about other types of conditions that are thrown in our direction that have the potential to curb activities or to change how we eat, live or breathe?  Do we actually understand what the future consequences are of these laws and regulations that we pass and will be able to abide by them once they are in place?  Our track record is not very good in these situations even in the biblical sense our responses are usually to the contrary to what has been set as the standard.  I pray that our minds and our hearts can change so that we can abide by the rules that have been set into motion, especially the ones God has in place so that our eternal lives will know peace and true freedom.

Many of the new homes that are built today automatically have wiring placed within the walls that will support a security system if the owner chooses to have one placed in their home.  Many years ago no one really had to worry about such a system having to be put in their home, for the crime rates were drastically different than they are today.  Most HOAs recommend that a new resident place a security system in their home for it helps the security of not only a single house but deters a burglar from hitting other houses as well.  The simple small sign on the front window or door that says the house has an alarm installed cuts the chances of the house being broken into by a considerable amount, officials say.

But as we know that just having an alarm system does not fully guarantee that a house will not be broken into for I have known of many houses who have had these types of systems in place and other measures in places as well and still have been targeted. While the house with a security system is less likely to be broken into there still is the possibility that the person or people who wish to steal from a certain house has already been watching the habits of the inhabitants and has ascertained a pretty decent pattern of arrival and departure of the owners.  This gives the burglars an upper hand for they usually are noticed by the owners of the house and therefore, can have close observation of the overall situation before any notice of their presence is observed.

Even with the new state of the art security system in place, the house is still not entirely protected for while the security system can do what it is supposed to do, it still cannot predict or change the heart of the burglar.  The person robbing the house may be experienced enough to know what the response times are of the neighbors, police or any other authority departments in order to complete the “job” that he / she wishes.  It does not take too much time for someone to take a possession from a house, car, truck or any other owned piece of property, for their goal is measured and calculated and easily obtained no matter what the obstacles might present.

A couple of days ago it was announced that the president of this country was going to take further action on a controversial measure concerning guns and how they are obtained by people of questionable stature.  Many people believe this is a good idea however there are just as many people who believe that this action shall be an infringement on certain portions of their rights when it comes to carrying, purchasing and owning a gun.  The battle lines have been drawn between these two groups and while the tactics are of good measure it has some serious and foundational flaws that will render this action useless.

Mr. President, with all due respect, you can pass as many laws concerning any matter within the confines of the world and it shall not matter one iota until the heart of the individual and of this nation changes.  You initially campaigned for change when you ran for president two terms ago, the physical and spiritual change occurred but it was not in the correct or necessary direction, it was in a worldly direction.  Your slogan was the capstone of a wall that was then being constructed by the people of this nation and of the world to seal out God and all of His principles that had been ordained by Him for this nation alone. And Mr. President until you truly open your heart to God – NOT Allah – and change your heart and turn it back to God – NOT Allah – this nation shall continue its course of destruction and each one of your laws and actions shall never prosper upon this nation.

A government can pass 1000 or an infinite amount of laws to govern its people in the manner in which it sees fit, but unless God is truly in the hearts of the government and in the people the final result will be 1001 ways to circumvent or invent ways to accomplish their heart’s mission even though the laws may be for their own good.  Laws do not change the heart of mankind, only God can do this.  When the emphasis is placed upon laws, the human heart will take over and do its best to find ways around the “governing” law.  But if the emphasis is placed on God and His ways, and His ways are fully understood then the heart has the opportunity to change in the right direction for all humanity.

It is not all bad news for you Mr. President, for it has not been just you that has set this nation on its current path, for many of the past leaders of this nation have conducted business as usual according to the world and not of God.  There are not many people, including Christians, who understand the dominion of this nation and why it was created in the first place.  Even John Smith did not fully understand what God was meaning by his discovery and we have been on a steady downward slide ever since.  God says to you Mr. President, you have missed it.  God says to you Church, you have missed it.  Mr. President, you once stated that Christians do not know their Bible and while that is an inflammatory statement is a true one.  However, you neither do as well for if you did you would know that mankind could not follow one simple law that God placed into their lives because their hearts became engross with their surroundings instead of keeping it on Him.  This is why another gun law or any other law shall not work because our hearts are not in the correct place where God is concerned.

Mr. President shedding a tear or two when announcing a new law or order may be significant to some but to those who seek to undermine this new order do not care.  They are currently plotting to find ways around it even before you announced the plans or shed your tears.  Their heart is not in the correct order and it is apparent that yours is not either.  When the human heart is in this state or belief these types of laws and orders actually accelerates its response in the manner for which it beats because if the heart is not in the right place with God being first it does not matter how many laws are passed the heart shall always eat the fruit off of the tree.

Mr. President, you can pass all the laws for this nation that you deem necessary and even though your intentions are grand and hopeful, they shall not come to pass fully until our hearts change back to God.  Unless the Church wakes up and starts actually believing in the Word of God that she claims to represent again, our days as a nation and as the world as we know it is limited. Yes, this nation has made its share of mistakes and so has the Church.  But the Church needs to take the lead again and take the godlessness from its walls (heart).  She needs to rise up and to take back the dominion that God divinely gave this land and allow Him to restore it back to its original state.  For unless we do this task quickly, our days as a nation are short; I understand that is a repeated statement but it is one that needs to burn within our hearts again because it is true.

When the words “one nation under God” was placed into our pledge it was for a reason and for a purpose.  It was not placed there for subjection to God and to live under His rule and might but to recognize the divine dominion that He gave this nation as a resolute land in which all people who seek Him shall have a place to inhabit.  It is this dominion that God gave to us, not a perverted and sinful land that we now inhabit today but instead we have made it a land (heart) full of self-righteous and self-made walls that are systematically destroying everything that has been divinely given to us to be in charge.  Change your heart Mr. President and it will serve as a beacon of true hope and change for the rest of our human existence.  If we do not change our hearts and return back to God, then He shall have no choice but to wipe our nation off this earth according to our just sins that we love to harbor.  This is where not 1 law can be kept comes into play and countless amounts of tears shall surely follow.