Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Not 1 Law

Not 1 Law


Don’t you just love it when laws are passed and almost immediately an uproar occurs within a certain portion of the community that will be affected?  What about other types of conditions that are thrown in our direction that have the potential to curb activities or to change how we eat, live or breathe?  Do we actually understand what the future consequences are of these laws and regulations that we pass and will be able to abide by them once they are in place?  Our track record is not very good in these situations even in the biblical sense our responses are usually to the contrary to what has been set as the standard.  I pray that our minds and our hearts can change so that we can abide by the rules that have been set into motion, especially the ones God has in place so that our eternal lives will know peace and true freedom.

Many of the new homes that are built today automatically have wiring placed within the walls that will support a security system if the owner chooses to have one placed in their home.  Many years ago no one really had to worry about such a system having to be put in their home, for the crime rates were drastically different than they are today.  Most HOAs recommend that a new resident place a security system in their home for it helps the security of not only a single house but deters a burglar from hitting other houses as well.  The simple small sign on the front window or door that says the house has an alarm installed cuts the chances of the house being broken into by a considerable amount, officials say.

But as we know that just having an alarm system does not fully guarantee that a house will not be broken into for I have known of many houses who have had these types of systems in place and other measures in places as well and still have been targeted. While the house with a security system is less likely to be broken into there still is the possibility that the person or people who wish to steal from a certain house has already been watching the habits of the inhabitants and has ascertained a pretty decent pattern of arrival and departure of the owners.  This gives the burglars an upper hand for they usually are noticed by the owners of the house and therefore, can have close observation of the overall situation before any notice of their presence is observed.

Even with the new state of the art security system in place, the house is still not entirely protected for while the security system can do what it is supposed to do, it still cannot predict or change the heart of the burglar.  The person robbing the house may be experienced enough to know what the response times are of the neighbors, police or any other authority departments in order to complete the “job” that he / she wishes.  It does not take too much time for someone to take a possession from a house, car, truck or any other owned piece of property, for their goal is measured and calculated and easily obtained no matter what the obstacles might present.

A couple of days ago it was announced that the president of this country was going to take further action on a controversial measure concerning guns and how they are obtained by people of questionable stature.  Many people believe this is a good idea however there are just as many people who believe that this action shall be an infringement on certain portions of their rights when it comes to carrying, purchasing and owning a gun.  The battle lines have been drawn between these two groups and while the tactics are of good measure it has some serious and foundational flaws that will render this action useless.

Mr. President, with all due respect, you can pass as many laws concerning any matter within the confines of the world and it shall not matter one iota until the heart of the individual and of this nation changes.  You initially campaigned for change when you ran for president two terms ago, the physical and spiritual change occurred but it was not in the correct or necessary direction, it was in a worldly direction.  Your slogan was the capstone of a wall that was then being constructed by the people of this nation and of the world to seal out God and all of His principles that had been ordained by Him for this nation alone. And Mr. President until you truly open your heart to God – NOT Allah – and change your heart and turn it back to God – NOT Allah – this nation shall continue its course of destruction and each one of your laws and actions shall never prosper upon this nation.

A government can pass 1000 or an infinite amount of laws to govern its people in the manner in which it sees fit, but unless God is truly in the hearts of the government and in the people the final result will be 1001 ways to circumvent or invent ways to accomplish their heart’s mission even though the laws may be for their own good.  Laws do not change the heart of mankind, only God can do this.  When the emphasis is placed upon laws, the human heart will take over and do its best to find ways around the “governing” law.  But if the emphasis is placed on God and His ways, and His ways are fully understood then the heart has the opportunity to change in the right direction for all humanity.

It is not all bad news for you Mr. President, for it has not been just you that has set this nation on its current path, for many of the past leaders of this nation have conducted business as usual according to the world and not of God.  There are not many people, including Christians, who understand the dominion of this nation and why it was created in the first place.  Even John Smith did not fully understand what God was meaning by his discovery and we have been on a steady downward slide ever since.  God says to you Mr. President, you have missed it.  God says to you Church, you have missed it.  Mr. President, you once stated that Christians do not know their Bible and while that is an inflammatory statement is a true one.  However, you neither do as well for if you did you would know that mankind could not follow one simple law that God placed into their lives because their hearts became engross with their surroundings instead of keeping it on Him.  This is why another gun law or any other law shall not work because our hearts are not in the correct place where God is concerned.

Mr. President shedding a tear or two when announcing a new law or order may be significant to some but to those who seek to undermine this new order do not care.  They are currently plotting to find ways around it even before you announced the plans or shed your tears.  Their heart is not in the correct order and it is apparent that yours is not either.  When the human heart is in this state or belief these types of laws and orders actually accelerates its response in the manner for which it beats because if the heart is not in the right place with God being first it does not matter how many laws are passed the heart shall always eat the fruit off of the tree.

Mr. President, you can pass all the laws for this nation that you deem necessary and even though your intentions are grand and hopeful, they shall not come to pass fully until our hearts change back to God.  Unless the Church wakes up and starts actually believing in the Word of God that she claims to represent again, our days as a nation and as the world as we know it is limited. Yes, this nation has made its share of mistakes and so has the Church.  But the Church needs to take the lead again and take the godlessness from its walls (heart).  She needs to rise up and to take back the dominion that God divinely gave this land and allow Him to restore it back to its original state.  For unless we do this task quickly, our days as a nation are short; I understand that is a repeated statement but it is one that needs to burn within our hearts again because it is true.

When the words “one nation under God” was placed into our pledge it was for a reason and for a purpose.  It was not placed there for subjection to God and to live under His rule and might but to recognize the divine dominion that He gave this nation as a resolute land in which all people who seek Him shall have a place to inhabit.  It is this dominion that God gave to us, not a perverted and sinful land that we now inhabit today but instead we have made it a land (heart) full of self-righteous and self-made walls that are systematically destroying everything that has been divinely given to us to be in charge.  Change your heart Mr. President and it will serve as a beacon of true hope and change for the rest of our human existence.  If we do not change our hearts and return back to God, then He shall have no choice but to wipe our nation off this earth according to our just sins that we love to harbor.  This is where not 1 law can be kept comes into play and countless amounts of tears shall surely follow.


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