Friday, January 15, 2016

Eve's Lie

Eve’s Lie


Most of us who have grown up in church can readily rattle off the story about when Eve added to God’s command in the Garden of Eden, but can we give an account of what that lie actually says about our enemy?  It is a posing question that one needs to understand so that we may seek the truth in all things that God gives us for if we do not, or we do not take them seriously, hen our fall is imminent just as Adam and Eve did in their God-given dominion.  That might be a harsh statement to make, but it is a true one and one that should be needed 24/7.  Yes, the same result shall occur if we do not heed to this knowledge and if you do not believe what God is saying, take a good look around you and you will see this destruction ongoing.

Sometimes it is difficult to put our finger on the one exact thing that causes people to fade from the ways of their parents, societal laws or God.  It is also hard for us to understand why Adam and Eve sinned and what was this exact thing or mindset that led them to this sinful state.  In order for us to make sense of things we must first remember that Adam and Eve were humans and their bodies were created the exact same way as you and I.  The only exception was that when they were created they did not have any inhibitions that lived within their bodies, they were perfect in every way, the exact way that we were designed to function.  Yet, they chose to accept sin into their lives by the one being that had the capability to deceive them.

The verses that I am going to refer to in this article come from Genesis 3:1-6.  This is a very famous and familiar passage that has been used in countless sermons over the centuries, and with many denominations present in today’s world it is safe to say that this passage is one of the more referenced settings in the Bible as well.  But what do we know about this passage and what does this passage tell us about the mindset of Eve?  And it is this topic of Eve’s lie that God wants us to know about for if we do it will give us a clue about what our enemy is doing and how he operates.  Lying always hurts no matter what the situation may be, and to those that lie, it separates them from the communion that they have with others and to those who are being lied to it crushes all hopes of trust in the person that is lying to them.

In Genesis 3:1 we see that the serpent has entered into a conversation with Eve concerning the trees of the Garden of Eden that they may eat from and the verse ends with the serpent asking Eve a question about what God said.  In Genesis 3:2-3 we have Eve giving her response to the serpent with the following: “And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: But of the fruit of the tree in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.”

The conversation continues in Genesis 3:4-5 when the serpent replies “And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know in the day that ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.”  The final act comes in Genesis 3:6 stating “And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.”

How does this statement by Eve come into play in our lives today and how does the statement the Eve provides prove that there are two kingdoms vying for our lives?  We must first understand that God has never left any of His details out about the world, its creation or our lives, He has just made it our choice to choose to understand these principles and if we know the eternal and direct principles of God we have all the tools necessary to understand this part of our history and it is through this process that His holy order is intact.  I have heard countless times of humans asking where God was during the Holocaust, or where was God when the Indonesian earthquake or the Haiti earthquake struck?  These questions are legitimate ones but ones that should be explained if we comprehend as to what is actually ongoing for our lives and the state that our lives portray with each breath we take.  Some of these answers to our questions may come in strange realities but others come with hard cold facts once we open our hearts completely to God.

Secondly, we must accept that there is an enemy out to destroy our lives, both in the physical realm and in the spiritual realm, with both of these running parallel and concurrent with each other.  It is the job of our enemy to inform us about the “flaws” of God and for us to question His laws that God has put into place, it is not his job to inform us of the methods in which he is trying to accomplish this feat.  For if he gives away his strategies to us right up front and openly, then he has defeated himself before he begins his quest for our destruction.  This means that he must infiltrate enough of our lives in order for him to systematically provide some type of material in our lives that we fail to recognize as a lie in order for him to establish a foundation for his operation; where we begin to make our own conclusions instead of the ones that are already in place, making a black line gray if you wish to put it in these terms. 

How did he do this with Eve?  In her statement about touching the tree and how they were not supposed to do it, that statement of hers is a direct result of the lies and the beguiling that Satan accomplished with Eve.  One can imagine that while the serpent approached Eve that he must have touched the trees of the Garden many times, could have even sat in them when having conversation with Eve, buttering her up for the ultimate “kill” when the time was ripe; all of this is a logical process that our mind would process as normal and help set the final stage for Satan’s plan.  Satan in no way mentioned this part of Eve’s statement again when he was justifying his position on the tree and what it would do to them.  This lie of Eve’s was evidence that he had deceived her enough that when pressed with the overall law that had been established, she would add to it, to make it a complete law, in her own eyes.

This is exactly what occurred in these passages where the serpent was talking to Eve and asking her about the tree.  In verse 3 of this chapter, Eve makes a correct statement by saying that they could not eat of the fruit of the tree in question but it was the next portion of her statement that illustrates what the above paragraph is stating for she then said that they could not touch the tree and this is the lie that the serpent placed into Eve’s head during their time together.  While the lie that Eve told is an important element in this passage it is what the serpent did next that tells the tale about what is in play.

The serpent immediately replied: “And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know in the day that ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.”  It is this part that explains what our enemy is after and it is in two parts.  First of all, Satan knows exactly what God has placed into motion and he understands, personally, what will occur when a perfect being chooses to go against what God has established.  Secondly, when Satan makes his last plea to Eve he leaves out a very specific detail concerning the statement of Eve; he interestingly left out the lie that Eve said, just plain skipped it and continued on with his plea.

When a person or in this case, a being is trying to persuade another party to do something, logically it would not be in the party’s interest to know all of the possible consequences of what could occur if they subject themselves to the presenter’s ploy.  It is logical for the person originating the scheme to leave out portions of the consequences in order to push forward their agenda, therefore, placing all of the choices onto the person being given the opportunity for completion.  Eve and the serpent were at this point in their conversation and even at this point Eve could have reversed her lie and told the truth of what God said, but in turn, she saw that the fruit was good to eat and chose to eat from it. 

The lie is allowed to be followed through with without any objection from the one who projects the event.  The serpent did not care that Eve made the lie and allowed it to be fulfilled which provides us with an important bit of further information about his ways.  According to our choices that we make our enemy shall not deter his intentions due to the fact that his ultimate goal is our destruction.  Eve’s lie confirms this truth in that when she made the statement and nothing immediately occurred to her she gained further satisfaction in her statement and thus proceeded to fulfill the lie when she took and ate from the tree.  Satan did not wish for her to know that it was through her actions and will that would be instrumental in separating herself eternally from God, so Satan did not say a word as she reached for, took and then ate from the tree.

This process is evident in our lives today with the same type of setting that our enemy has provided us.  He has duped the Church into believing that the incorporation of sin into our hearts is okay and since nothing has been done by God, that God is acceptable by our actions.  It is the same principle involved here and it shall soon take hold in our lives.  The important thing to remember here is that both God and Satan shall allow your lie to be played out and all parties involved shall watch the results unfold.  God never agrees to disobedience and our enemy revels in it because this entire process, obedience, and disobedience, define both kingdoms that vie for your eternal placement.

It is through this process and setting that is vital that we take what God says and keep it safely hidden into our hearts so when our enemy approaches us with a “viable” option we can immediately respond with the true Word of God instead of an idea that we wish to be carried out.  This was Eve’s problem in that she did not recognize what was transpiring during her time with the serpent.  She fell for his trap and then immediately turned to her equal and he did the exact same as her; he too gave into the lie and therefore equally received the consequences.  I cannot stress how important it is that we know the Word of God and what it means to our lives.  We cannot afford to make individual interpretations to its content but to take them eternally at its sayings because that is exactly what is at stake, our eternity.

Satan does not care how he fools us, he does not care how he gets us to fall, he cares nothing about your life all he is interested in is that you spend your eternal existence away from God, completely separated for eternity.  Satan hates you and everything that you can be according to God’s law and he shall stop at nothing in order to keep you from understanding that God loves you and that there is a high price placed upon your head.  It is this point that wreaks havoc on so many lives in the world and it is a tool that our enemy uses in order for people to devalue their lives and the potential that they have been created with.  It is obvious that the Church has missed this truth because of the self-absorbance that she is now proclaiming, which is another portion of Eve’s lie that we are living with.

Satan shall continue to allow us to live the lies that we proclaim to be truths in order to fulfill his wishes for our lives.  Any participation that we have with the world is his goal for he knows that once his foot is in our dominion he can further his kingdom through our lives through the ways of the lie.  A lie is just that, a lie.  Even though it may look good to the eye and smell good to the senses, it is a lie and if we buy into the lie then we are taken into another realm of deceit and death instead of life and happiness.  This is exactly why the Church and the world are currently getting along so well, for the world has sold its ways to the Church and because the Church refuses to believe in God’s authoritative Word she has bought into the world’s lies and accepted them as the truth instead.  In other words, we have looked at the tree of good and evil, listened to the enemy, taken the fruit from that tree and have bitten into it and are now handing it over to the rest of the world as a testament that nothing is wrong and has no immediate detail has occurred, fully ignoring that as each individual responds by taking a bite is immediately sucked into the eternal lie and completes the process of eternal separation from God.

It is not God’s desire for any of His children to miss out on His will and life, on the other hand, it is the duty of our enemy to ensure that all of us miss out on God’s promises for our lives.  This statement alone defines what a lie is because God is the complete definition of eternal truth.  It is truly sad that the Church has turned her focus away from God and has placed it on the lie concerning the fruit on the tree.  The Church is supposed to be the living example of god and the perfect provision from a dying world and a hateful enemy.  Yet, she has turned from the truth and believes the enemy instead, and is now racing to commit eternal treason from Her Creator and proving our enemy correct.

As always, God has provided an escape route for everyone who chooses to believe His Word to be the truth but our time is short because the masses are choosing to believe the lie instead.  All throughout the bible God has given mankind choices in their existence and when the human heart becomes filled enough of the world God must act according to His laws.  Many do not understand this truth and mock Him greatly for such but if He did not give us warnings first how could He claim to be the Creator and all inclusive God that He is. 

God’s call of repentance and restoration as of this moment is still ringing loud and true, He still can provide the sacrificial covering as He did in the Garden but our time is limited.  Eve’s lie was based upon the knowledge of what God stated but reverberated through her personal interpretation of His law, this is the epic stance that we are taking today and God is placing His people on notice as of this moment that we are wrong!  God is love and His love sacrificed greatly so that we may have eternal life through Him, not the world.  God calls for us to be separate from the world, even though the world may look like a beautiful creation and setting.  Separated yourselves from the world, for time is short and god is loudening His call to return to Him.  The setting and placement of Eve’s lie is still being used today by our enemy and just as the days of Adam and Eve we are missing what God is saying and believing her lie.


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