Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Weight of Sin

Weight of Sin


Has anyone out there ever contemplated this phrase and the depth that it has on our lives, or have you been like me ignoring the real truth behind its measure?  This truth grabs a hold of us while we are developing within our mother’s body and are born with it as we take our first breath.  It is easy to miss, complicated to understand yet it plays such a burden upon our lives.  We cannot escape it until we reach our heavenly Father’s eternal presence and even with the knowledge of its presence we continue to ignore the source of its presence and the truth behind its remedy.  There is a way to help with this burden of ours and He is the only One way and until humanity figures this, the weight shall not become lighter only heavier and darker.

The hardest course I took in college was Embryology, yet this course was also the most intriguing one and the one that I learned the most.  The course itself took us from the moment of conception until the few moments after the birth of the baby.  Until I took this course I had no idea of just how complicated the processes of human development are and how intricate of details are needed in order for everything to line up in place.  Each day after class I left the room in awe of what had been presented to me, and each day I began to realize just how delicate life is and at the same time how amazingly detailed our creation is completed.

At the time, I took this course I was pretty well stuck in a safe mode according to my beliefs and motivations and did not have any desires to be writing either.  I continued my pursuit of God but at a shallow distance to what I needed to be; a state of which this country, most of the other societies within the world, and Church are currently residing.  While I was receiving the physical knowledge of human development I was completely missing out on the detailed organization of sin that affects our lives even before we leave the womb, and furthermore, I had no idea that this process of sloughing was part of the weight of sin that each one of us inherit when we are created.

When God created mankind He had no intentions of creating a being that could not stand the test of time, meaning that the being could live forever, live in a perfect state, sinless life and without any blemish present inside or outside.  It was our choice to invite sin into our lives and since this moment in human history, we have gained the necessary tools to go against this perfect state of our original creative status.  It is this portion of our lives that should offend God to the utmost for He did not create such a being, yet through the gifts that He gave us, we turned His perfect creation into an abomination before His eyes.  Another evident result of the weight of sin is the fact that humanity chose to inflict this process upon our lives by using a perfect gift from God and then agonizingly use it against Him for our physical benefits.  This too contributes to the weight of sin that we tend to carry willingly and proudly.

From the first moments of our conception, our bodies begin a process of development that never ceases until we draw our last breath and each cell in our body expends its total energy.  This is a process that we do not fully understand yet and while we know that this process occurs, we have no real emotions concerning this process because it completes this process without us even knowing what is transpiring within.  The development process is very systematic and thorough when it comes to the creation of new cells.  This process starts out as one cell and continues to double as time proceeds.  However, at a certain point very close to our conception this doubling process ceases for a split moment and only creates a single cell in which causes one of the first cells developed to die.  Its life is over and the result and effect of the weight of sin has now been invoked into our existence.

The process of life and death according to cell life will now continue every second until we physically die.  It is at this point where our body begins to fight against its Creator’s eternal process and while we do not feel its recourse immediately the wrong doings of our bodies start to wear thin on our existence.  It is this internal weight of sin that serves as the foundation for the future problems and burdens that we will carry throughout our lives and it cannot be helped but to be felt as time goes along. The only problem with this truth is that many of us throughout the world either ignore this fact or deny its existence and continue to bear an unnecessary weight that has already been solved.

As I read the Bible I now look at the lives of the people that it talks about and how sorted these people and nations became and search their testaments according to what they allow themselves to endure.  At first, my reactions to their demise is one of pure disbelief and then verbally ask how could someone not understand what is going on at that time but as I turn on the news each night and watch it for a few minutes I have to drop this idea of mine because we are playing out the exact same scenarios today. It is through the link of the death of our embryonic cells that we produce this relevant topic into our lives and therefore, increase our burden of sin exponentially while we carry it on our lives.  What is so amazingly scary about this truth is that as we voluntarily carry this weight around, it continually blinds us from the truth that God is there for us to help and that as we carry this burden we are actually inhibiting His Kingdom from being advanced in our lives and to the rest of the world.

How does one define a weight of sin when we do not understand its overall concept?  We love to look at the mountains or to cast our eyes upon the waves as they crash into the shore yet we cannot see the directional pull of the death marker that we endure each day and what astonishes me the most is that we are happy and content with voluntarily keeping this weight on our lives instead of turning to the One who can lift this burden from our existence; but, as we study the patterns of the examples that God has given us in the Bible we continue to accept the same choices as the people who lived during the biblical times.  Life is tough and the burdens that we encounter in this life are hard enough to endure and while these are cumbersome at times they are no match for the weight of the spiritual sin that overwhelms our lives.

When we are young we tend to believe that we are invincible and that everything that is thrown at us we can fend off without any worries of long-lasting effect of these insults that we fend off and unknowingly pick up and carry for the rest of our lives.  I look at the faces of the younger generations today when I can get them to pry their heads away from their phones, and I notice the troubled looks that they carry within their glances.  I cannot help but to stop and think for a moment if my parents could figure out my struggles that I carried when I as this age and immediately I answer this question with a “yes, they could.”  They also understood the source of those concerns and weights through Hebrews 12:1 and did their best to tell me about why those concerns and weights were there and how to combat them as well.

It terrifies me that the younger generations have become openly ignorant of God and what His presence means to their lives. While they scream and yell for their independent ways they do so with weights upon their shoulders.  They chose to follow the ways of the world which are bright and wide paths and cast roadblocks to the narrow road that presents itself on a routine basis. They increase this weight of sin every time they refuse to understand God and His ways; their interpretation of life is strictly based upon this weight of sin which further dives them into personal conflict both physically and spiritually.  What intrigues me the most is that these people actually believe that while they shun God that they are making things better for everyone in the world, but in truth what they are doing is proving the Bible correct.

I must admit that I fall into the same category as these other people when it comes to the weight of sin.  I did not understand its overall effects on my life until a while back.  All of the physical things that I currently inhabit come from this weight.  They are products of humanity’s past in which I inherited upon my creation.  I accept this and while I do not wish my conditions on anyone, I understand this burden and have turned it over to God for Him to deal with.  The knowledge about the weight of sin is cumbersome in itself for when I look at people and hear their words I know that they are struggling to find answers, but the real question is this: are they willing to listen to the truth about their issues?

I am also not immune to the effects of the weight of sin and do not place myself on any pedestal claiming otherwise.  When God shows me things that this world is facing I cannot help but to become concerned for our future, in fact, my concerns are so great that most of the time I do not speak of it much, for I continue to hope that it will go away if I do not address it.  In truth, this is a weight of sin in my life that I must repent from and turn from its thoughts and effects on my life.  By no means am I perfect in any manner and I suffer from the same weights as anyone else do.  I struggle with the same feelings, thoughts, convictions, admissions – sins – as everyone else and as when I allowed God to show me these truths about my life He began to take away some of these weights by replacing them with His burden of life, which is no comparison with the weight of the world (sin).

Anything that does not advance the Kingdom of God is a weight of sin, pure and simple.  God lays this foundation out in Genesis when He gives mankind 1 law to follow and when that law is broken an eternal state is changed.  This also lays foundation that there is an enemy that is involved and that he has a job to do. It also sets into motion that these two warring kingdoms cannot mix in any way and since this is true, that means that when one is advanced the other is pushed back, no exceptions.  In other words, if God’s Kingdom is advanced that means someone has chosen to recognize the truth and given their weight of sin to God and thus advanced His Kingdom accordingly.  It is our duty to tell people about this weight of sin and how to have people remove it from their lives.  But we get bogged down with all of the insignificant nail-biting circumstances in our lives and ignore the One who can help with these instances; thus, once again adding to the weight of sin. 

It has never been the desire of God for our existence to be bogged down by the weight of sin, this is true because all throughout the Bible He has always provided a way for us to live through His ways.  But as the people in the Bible, we have followed suit and have chosen to carry the weight of sin on our lives instead of choosing God’s ways that ease these weights.  It is obvious that the people in the Bible knew about these weights but chose to carry them instead.  For God created them as He did us which means that they had the same abilities in life as we do.  Yes, technology is different and more advanced but the abilities of the human mind to think and to apply are the same then as they are today.

The weight of sin is heavy upon our lives and unless we choose to rid ourselves of this menace it shall only grow exponentially until it totally consumes us.  The pattern of this truth is evident human history and includes every act of hateful response ever recorded for that is what this topic can only produce.  The goal of the weight of sin is death whether it is represented by the physical means or the spiritual means, both are deadly in their course no matter how one chooses to view it.  The procession towards this ultimate goal has a high price tag and since I am a human and fall into the susceptibility category I understand this quite well.  There is nothing good about the weight of sin and ignoring its presence and truth just complicates matters more for everyone.  See, this weight produces results on both sides of the issue, for the one carrying the weight and the one who will be the recipient of the weight of the one who is carrying it, and when death is the ultimate goal of this weight, look out!

As with every other time period in human history God has provided a way out from under this weight of sin and the ultimate goal that it wishes to achieve.  It is strictly our choice to accept this truth or we can continue to ignore it as we carry it while walking away from it.  The weight of sin is so evident that even the Church has decided to pick up some of this weight and is now proudly displaying it for everyone to contribute.  What a farce our enemy has sold us and to what extent this selling will soon be rewarded upon our shores just wait and see.  Look at the division that has been developed within our lives due to the weight of sin and while we blame God for these conditions we refuse to recognize the truth in our origins for the real meaning of our fallacies.  God wants nothing more than to take away the weight of sin in our lives but in order for us to allow Him to do such things, we must first accept Hebrews 12:1 into our hearts and understand Genesis Chapters 2-3.  Our dominion has been voluntarily compromised by our own actions but God has established a means by which we can overcome the weight of sin. There is only ONE way that this can be completed and it is strictly our choice to do so.


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