Saturday, January 23, 2016

A Coming Change

A Coming Change


It seems like something in our world occurs almost every day that forces us to adjust to a new standard that the world has accepted and it is fascinating to watch how people scramble in order to cope with these changes.  But if you look at the patterns of these current events the results have been in the making for quite some time and the results of the actions of governments are just now taking hold.  Whether you have thought about this or not, the world is not going to end tomorrow nor will it end anytime soon either, but hold on to your hats because there are some changes that are about to take place that we need to be watching out for.  It is our responsibility to recognize these world changes and to get the message out concerning them and what they mean for all humanity.

I must admit that it has taken me a while to complete this article for I must acknowledge that God is in complete control of what He gives me and when He says to go ahead and to write about what has been shared with me.  I also must admit that when He gives me certain topics to write about He leaves the details out of the equation for a certain amount of time, which totally frustrates me a great deal.  But as I receive these topics He places enough information along that I can have the general concept of what He is passing along to His people and what fascinates me the most is that when He finishes the details of the topic society has fallen into the exact position for them to understand what has occurred, what is occurring and what is about to occur.  God never keeps any information away from His children, we just tend to ignore the truth and go about our own ways instead.

God shared with me this topic back in June of 2014 but when He gave me the topic I wrote the introductory paragraph and that was it, all other guidance ceased.  It clearly was not time for me to write such words and testimony to His people and I knew that I had to trust His guidance for the future.  It is this part of His sharing with me that is cumbersome to my life and while He is in control of what goes on in my life, I still get defensive and restless when things do not line up in my favor.  This topic is not an easy one to write about nor does it deal with a pleasant topic for it solely deals with restoration.  Isn’t restoration a good thing, you ask?  Yes, it is but it is the process by which restoration is allowed to begin that worries me and it is through this process of restoration that God wants His children to understand for the afterward of things that are to come.

God has shared with us many times things that occur within the world and in our lives according to His timing alone.  It is this standard that is hard for us to comprehend and then to accept, as I have found out through His process of sharing His words with me.  The only thing that I can compare His timing too is that of our daily schedules and how dull and boring they can become especially when we follow the same routine over and over for decades.  Our lives and patterns become predictable and, therefore, stagnate in our life’s journey which explains as to why our lives become complicated and intertwined with the world since the world is the prime facilitator of “excitement”.

I must ask myself how would I look at things if God every Thursday afternoon dropped His article topics into my heart.  How would that continued process differ from my everyday work schedule and every other scheduled and daily activity, and how long would it be until I began to dread every Thursday afternoon?  Would it be right for me to schedule meetings or dinner at that specific time, just to spite God or to keep Him from showing me what He wished for His children?  Would that be an example of a controlling God or a slave holder?  This example is exactly what God does not want for His children; for them to have thoughts of Him in that manner, which is why God seeks out the hearts of those who are willing to listen to His voice and are willing to wait on His words when they arrive.

God sees the needs of the heart and addresses the issues at the correct time according to what He hears.  This is a process in which we tend to ignore or do not wish to understand because it would take the focus off of our lives and place it on the better qualities of our eternal existence, which is what we are supposed to be doing in the first place; you know the separation from the world law that God has in place.  Anyway, I struggled with this topic because it was just sitting there and to be deeply honest I have not given it much of a thought since June 2014, until today and it was at this time that God showed me exactly what He wanted me to share with you concerning this topic and He wants us to know that through our hearts a gigantic change is coming but even with this change, He still wants us to understand that after all is said and done, He is still in the restoration business and He desires for us that remain to return to Him and to His ways before the real hard times come into fruition.

I have mentioned before that I asked my mother one time about the word restoration and what that word’s definition to her might be.  Her response was priceless and accurate for she said that for something to be restored it has to be utterly destroyed or made beyond its original composition.  At the time, it was a powerful statement and one that gave me hope in the ministry that God has given me, but it was the reason for the restoration part that I did not fully comprehend at that time.  I understood from this definition that something extraordinary must occur to this country and to the societies that follow its lead, but it was the time that existed between the calamities and further destruction that was just as important to humanity as the ones that I knew about.  I also understand that through the timing of these events God shall make aware of things that need to be addressed in order that we all fully understand what is transpiring around us; including my family.

The change is coming to this country due to the deliberate and sinful nature that we have readily accepted both in our public lives and in the Church heart, and based upon this truth the foundation of the concept of separation of Church and State cannot be forged or even spoken correctly about, for both have interwoven themselves in worldly values and are destined to form a union that only God can now truly separate.  However, after the fall of this country is completed, there will be a period of time when mankind has the opportunity to recognize their sinful ways and to turn their hearts back to God and it is this time that God wishes for us to recognize that in order for this restoration to occur we must truly change from the heart and not in words alone.  We have been lied to enough about hope and change coming from an earthly view and it is now time for us to truly begin to change in heart, spirit and in truth to be complete again.

We must recognize that when this tragedy arrives both the just and the unjust shall perish in its wake and this must occur in order for God to be complete and true to His Word.  Yet He shall protect His own and care for every need that they may have and justly control their environment and surroundings accordingly.  But none shall go untouched and what God has predicted shall come to pass including restoration for all those who seek it.  The time in between these dark events and when God’s Word shall be humanly erased from this planet is a considerable amount of time.  How much is not known but after what those around the world shall witness as truth, who cares how much time there is; just be right with God.  It is not going to be an easy time, for after every devastation hard times set into motion, but if one believes in God and lives according to His ways, God is faithful and just to provide.  He has said this from the Book of Genesis and all the way through to the end of the Book of Revelation and He shall not fail us today.

God has not revealed to me the specific details of what is going to occur to this planet, but He has revealed some of these things to others.  While I do not really like the prophetic settings for there is so much room for human interpretation instead of divine truth, I do believe that these things that have been predicted shall come to pass.  The reason that I believe that these visions shall come to pass is that God has revealed to me my ministry of restoration and through the Webster’s Dictionary definition and through the personal definition of the word restoration of my mother, I cannot foresee any other alternative to what is coming.  It makes perfect sense to my mortal mind and more importantly, it lines up with the behavior patterns of two examples in the Bible, God’s people and God Himself; how can I argue with this?

As the physical birthing pangs begin to display themselves throughout the world it is a wondrous sight to know that my family has been preparing themselves for these events to arrive.  To be honest, I do not know that all of my family will be protected when God descends His judgment upon this world for I do not have the capability to shelter their lives for they too have spiritual hearts and ears to listen for God’s voice.  I can only pray for them and to show them, through God’s words of what is coming and that they should be listening to His instructions, NOW!  This is a heartbreaking and gut-wrenching revelation to me, but while it hurts I know it is the truth and since my family has been raised knowing God they understand to listen for His voice so that they may know.

Let us rejoice in the truth that God loves His children and as of this exact moment, we still have the opportunity to change our hearts and lives so that God is first in our lives, without the immediate consequences of our sins begin placed in front of us.  I do not know how much time we have before our catastrophic change appears, but know that God has confirmed this in many people not only in this country but around the world as well.  Prepare yourself in all areas of life, especially in the spiritual manner, get right with God and place this world behind you.  Doom and gloom?  Yep, and you want to know the reason why?  It is because of the sin that we have allowed to infiltrate our lives and that we live in, willingly and gleefully each and every second of the day and night.  There is no alternative when this is the way one lives; plain and simple and it should come as no surprise when these events occur.

But as always, even through the storm and after the waters recede, God is there and is a refuge to our sinful ways.  God is still alive and He is still amongst our lives and He is calling out for true repentance from His children.  He does not want to see any more games of hide and seek, look at what it has made us into.  God’s children, all of them, need to repent of their sins and earthly ways and choose to allow God to begin His restoration plan within their lives today.  Diversion of this great tragedy can still be changed, but it must come immediately.  God loves you and so do I.  Today is a fantastic day for God to be able to restore your dominion.


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