Monday, January 18, 2016




Magnification is sometimes the only method in which we can thoroughly understand what is being presented to our eyes and it is through this process that objects become clear enough that their entire status or meaning can be truly examined.  Each day of our existence proves this fact and it is our responsibility to inject the necessary time necessary in order to evaluate the situations that we encounter.  God’s Word proves this point accurately for there are many that love to make their scans of its content and then interpret its meanings based upon no real hard study.  God intended for His Word to be a light unto our path, not a blind meaningless book that cannot be read in the darkness.  The only way to use the Word of God in its full capacity is to magnify its words into our hearts and to live by them as long as we have breath.

A while back God shared with us an article that dealt with the immersion oil that I use in my daily activities that allow me to focus on cells that I have to look at in order to accurately describe to the physician of what is ongoing within the patient’s bloodstream.  Without this oil being added to the slide of cells I cannot focus on the cells that have been placed on the viewing area for identification.  A further process is called magnification in which I can change strengths of the optics in order to get a closer view of the cells.  Along with the immersion oil, these optics allow my eyes to accurately view the cells and enhance their appearance well enough that I can adequately identify them when they cross my field of view.  And since identifying cells is a huge portion of my job and my accuracy depended upon by physicians, it is vital that I have a knowledge of those cells that I look at and that their appearance in my microscope is well presented.

Microscopes have come a long way in their development and with the addition of optics that increase or decrease the magnification of the cells on a slide, identification, and specificity of these cells can be easily determined.  It is through this identification that allows the physician to determine whether or not their patient is responding to the treatment they are receiving, not responding adequately or presenting with another underlying condition that may hinder such treatment.  Without this enhancement capability, the physicians could only take a guess at what was truly going on within their patient’s body.  This guessing process is not limited to just the serious diseases it includes some of the common ones as well; in short, all areas of medicine benefits from this technology of specificity and it shall only continue to improve standards as this technology improves.

Counting these cells is one of the technical details of my job and there would be no way possible for me to complete this type of exercise if I did not have the capability to see the cells in large enough detail to separate them from other types of cells.  Cells are placed into categories according to their size, shape and color and it is through these categories and specific descriptions that I present these results to the physician for a diagnosis.  If there are a large number of cells that represent an infection, they can help ascertain where this infection may lie.  Without the usage of the optics on my microscope to determine these basic identifiers of cells, I could not adequately provide the physician with the necessary information so that they could help the patient.

It is through the different types of cells identified on the slide that determines what is going on within the systemic bloodstream of a human and it is through the number the amount of cells in each category that define a normal state or an abnormal state.  But there would be no way possible to accurately identify these cells accurately if I did not have the magnification tools needed to identify these cells.  All I would be able to report to the physician would be that there were a whole bunch of cells present with no way of finding out the specificity of those cells.  In other words, the physician could not provide the right amount of therapy, antibiotics, or treatment because I could not properly do my job.

When we have the disciplines to look at these cells and to determine their characteristics we can properly help them according to what has been provided.  There are many aspects of the medical field that are still vague in nature simply because we have not developed the specific technology to identify all potential problems that the body can present.  This is a portion of my field that is still frustrating both on the provider side and from the patient side of the issues and with given time and studies I am confident that we shall know more information soon.  How does this topic relate to our spiritual lives?  Its specifics course through our hearts but many times we do not spend enough time studying (magnifying) God’s Word to our lives in order that we can know what is actually occurring around us.

For many years of my life, I read the Bible in scan mode, not really diving deep into the words that were presented before my eyes.  If I had the time to present this scenario to each Christian I can safely say that the majority of them would conclude the same type of scan mode reading.  It is easy for one to say that they read the Bible but many of us do not take the time to study the words of the Bible and to apply them to our everyday lives.  Take each word and verse as a slide of blood cells.  A verse of the Bible is laid out on a glass slide to be read.  It is placed under the microscope (your heart’s eyes) and placed upon a mechanism to be read. 

How do you look at these words?  The simple and most common way to accomplish this feat is to place it on the lowest magnification and to get a general meaning of what the verse is saying, a short, common answer here and not surprising.  Yet, this magnification is where most of us stop and move on to the next verse (slide) without properly examining the previous verse first.  Most humans are afraid to study or refuse to study these words because it may make them come to the realization that their beliefs about God are incomplete or totally incorrect.  But we cannot understand what is going on around us and in our lives if we do not magnify these words large enough that we can properly identify the truth.

There is no way that we can fully understand God unless we magnify His words to us.  There is no way that we can truly understand what our enemy is trying to do to our lives unless we magnify God’s Word into our hearts.  There is no way that we can completely understand what our lives mean to God unless we magnify Him through our lives and there is no way possible that we can fully understand our lives without magnifying His Word and applying it to our lives specifically.  The only way to achieve this understanding is to change the magnification of God’s Word and adequately use the tools He has provided us so that we can study for ourselves what He is saying to us.

As long as our hearts continue into the scanning magnification we shall only be able to inaccurately interpret the Word of God. This concept is running rampant throughout the world today, heavily including the Church in this concept.  The world does not want you to understand the details of life nor does it wish for you to understand what is really transpiring around you, all it wants is for you to accept its “reality” and go with the flow.  This is a death trap, both in the physical setting and in the spiritual setting and we are allowing it to occur without even a fight.

It is time that we change the magnification of the Word of God within our hearts and to allow God to restore the truth within our lives.  God is the only provider that can give us a true opportunity to make it in this world and it is through His Word that we shall accomplish this task.  We can no longer afford to scan the Bible and to simply read its words; to be honest, that type of procedure is an excellent example of religion and not relationship.

Without us changing our heart’s magnification optics we are strictly doomed to the wiles of the devil.  When we change the magnification of the optics to the words of God we then have the resources necessary to understand our lives in motion.  It is evident that our hearts and our wills have been clearly shadowed from the truth through our casual scanning of the slides of God, so much so that we do not care to change our methods of identification of God’s Word because it would totally collapse our inner beings.  However, the only way possible for us to return to God’s ways is for this collapse to occur, and it is through this process of repentance that restoration can honestly occur. 

There is no way that God can grab our attention until we allow this to occur and from the activities of our societies today, we are refusing to change the magnification of our hearts.  We seek and we learn through our hearts and it is through this process that we live according to what we seek.  Consequently, as our selfish magnification continues to grow our scanning magnification of God’s Word becomes smaller and smaller.  Today, we can barely even recognize that there are cells located on the slide and it is impossible to identify them even if we wished for their identification.  God must be magnified within our hearts in order for us to have the ability to magnify the cells of our existence and when we allow God to be magnified in our lives our lives will decrease in stature and the results will be evident on countless levels.

When God is allowed to increase the magnification in our lives His Word will become a true light unto our lives and when we study His verses and place their content to our lives we cannot help but to personally identify their meaning and incorporate it into our lives.  This means that it brings life into the Word of God for it infiltrates our bodies and our hearts so that we may fully understand what is going on around us.  We can properly identify the works of the world and combat them effectively.  We can call out the improprieties that it deems as normal and we can spiritually, with authority, condemn their acts within our lives through the blood of Jesus. 

So, why is our world in such chaos?  The evidence to the naked eye or from the scanning heart is so uncertain that no answers can be given and falling for the next lie becomes the norm.  If we allow God to change the settings of our heart’s magnification to His Word all will easily become clear and the process of cleaning up our societies will be the easiest job to recognize.  But it shall only occur if we allow God to change the magnification of our hearts so that we can see how to accomplish this task.  Each heart has the possibility of this process to be completed but as always it is our choice to accept and to apply.  God loves each and every one of us and He wants only to change our hearts through His Word.  As long as our hearts are in scanning magnification our interpretations of what is on the slide (the Bible) can only provide danger and inaccuracies, but changing the magnification to a higher power will point out the complete truth according to God’s Word.


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